Brian Michael Bendis’ Event Leviathan one-shot has shipped and
that leads into a six-issue series with Alex Maleev starting this week on 6/12. According
to Bendis the limited series, “It's a whodunit, it's a thriller, and I bring
that up because so many big miniseries have almost a disaster movie structure …
in this one, we thought let's get a little more like Batman, let's get a little
more detective. Detectives show up after something’s happened and try to figure
it out.” The limited series will have the world’s greatest detectives themselves
locked in a room with a case to solve before dawn comes. More of the mystery
will be revealed in each issue and when the story is done we will learn who
Leviathan is, what they've done and why they did it. Starring in the limited
series are Question, Plastic Man, Manhunter and Lois Lane, who now has
autonomous publishing power so she can reveal any secret at any time. Part of
the mystery behind Leviathan is the armor he wears because it hides just who he
is but wears it to give the detectives a false face. Bendis says that when the
series is done we will get a new structure within the intelligence organizations
within the DCU. The Event Leviathan one-shot included looks at the two 12-issue
limited series starring Lois and Jimmy Olsen which start in July. The Lois book
is from the team of Greg Rucka artist Mike Perkins. Lois’ series will follow her
work at The Daily Planet and push the realism of her job as an investigative
reporter. Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen from Matt Fraction and Steve Lieber will
take a lighter tone and focus on Jimmy's work and the trouble he causes.
According to Fraction, “Jimmy's videos are basically the only thing keeping the
lights on at the Planet anymore. They have to let him keep doing his thing
because it's the only thing that pays the bills." But his work is also very
expensive for the newspaper since the Planet is responsible for any damage
Jimmy's schemes cause. |