Posted: 061019 |
More on the Set Up and Future for the Current Black
Label Series |
#1 out and #2 not scheduled until the end of July, now's the
perfect time for folks out of the know to catch up with Scott Snyder's "last
Batman story." When Scott Snyder came up with Batman's Zero Year arc he
planned out how his Batman would die. Grant Morrison did the same thing and told
Snyder he might as well do the same while they were sitting together at a comic
convention. The three issue limited series Batman: Last Knight on Earth is
supposed to be the last Batman story for Snyder and artist Greg Capullo. When
the idea of the project first came up Sean Murphy was going to draw it but
Snyder decided Capullo should get the chance to finish what the two had started
with Zero Year. When he came up with the idea Capullo was doing Reborn with Mark
Millar but that work had long since been done when it was time to actually do
the book. Snyder’s concept behind the series would end their Batman story but
show the ways in which Batman always has to be reborn for new generations. So
within the three issues we will investigate what Batman means to people and who
he is which allows the team to expand the boundaries of what we will be seeing.
Which makes it normal to see Batman wandering around in the future carrying
around the Joker’s head in a lantern; totally normal like seeing Wonder Woman
with a Mohawk. Batman’s journey will take him across the entire DCU. Snyder says
that this is the end for his version of Batman but he and Capullo are working on
things that have Batman in the story. The two are planning some independent
projects also.
See Also... |
DC NEWS-041519
Snyder and Capullo Team Up For a Black Label Last Look at Batman |
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Alternate Reality, Incorporated
Source: Newsarama |