The future world of Marvel 2099 has become an iatrical part of the Marvel Comics
canon, and more of that future is being explored right now in the pages of
various Marvel Comics. Marvel's November 2019 cross over event kicked off from
the events of Amazing Spider-Man #33. This comes after a return to the 2099
universe was teased earlier this year, and Spider-Man 2099 made his big-screen
debut in last year's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Several significant
characters will be spotlighted in the event including: Doom, Ghost Rider, the
X-Men, and Hulk. with a few new faces are joining in as well including: Conan
the Barbarian and Venom.
The world of 2099 is back and the story of the future-today will be told across
the following issues, with a slew of one-shots adding further background and
context to the story as well:
-Amazing Spider-Man #33
-2099 Alpha #1
-Amazing Spider-Man #34
-Amazing Spider-Man #35
-2099 Omega #1
-Fantastic Four 2099 #1
-Punisher 2099 #1
-Conan 2099 #1
-Spider-Man 2099 #1
-Ghost Rider 2099 #1
-Doom 2099 #1
-Venom 2099 #1
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