Andrew Schumann
Saturday, June 23rd, 2007
Chicago Ridge Frontier Fieldhouse,
Chicago Ridge, Illinois |
announced that when they come back in September that
they would be taping the 3rd pay per view at the show" |
The first 6 matches were taped for pay per view that is
scheduled to air in September. The rest of the matches were
taped for the regular DVD taping. |
Delirious & The Resilience vs. The
No Remorse Corps
This match has carried on the feud between the two factions
in Ring Of Honor. Delirious has had issues with Roderick
Strong and has been tagging with the Resilience. The match
showcased so much of what makes Ring of Honor tick.
Throughout the match there was non-stop action between all
six men. The first highlight spot of the match had Delirious
hitting a flipping senton splash onto the whole No Remorse
Corps. Roderick Strong then hit a backbreaker on Delirious
and held him there for Romero then springboard into the ring
with a double stomp across Delirious’ chest. Matt Cross than
hit a flipping corkscrew press over the top rope onto the
other competitors. Cross and Erik Stevens double teamed
Romero and hit him with a slam and footstomp. Stevens rolled
out of the ring and that allowed Cross to follow up on
Romero with a shooting star asai moonsault. Cross was able
to pick up a near fall from that move. Davey Richards was
able to pick up the pin fall. Richards was able to hit Cross
with his double underhook brainbuster. After the match
Austin Aries made his surprise return to Ring Of Honor after
a two month sabbatical. Aries was another victim of the ROH
and TNA struggle. TNA pulled Aries off of Ring Of Honor
roster. Aries gave praise to the fans, the company and the
follow wrestlers. Aries asked for a pen to sign his Ring Of
Honor contract and about 20 flew into the ring. |
Matt Sydal versus Claudio
Seeing Castagnolli real close for the first time it’s no
wonder why the WWE was looking at him. Castagnolli goes
about 6’4 or 6’5 and about a very trimmed 230. This match
was a perfect example of different styles. Sydal is a
classic high flier and Castagnolli is a technical wrestler.
Castagnolli had the early advantage in the match with using
his European uppercuts to full effects. Sydal came back and
forced Claudio out to the outside. Sydal came flying out
after him and hit a flipping cross body block onto Claudio.
When the match returned to the ring Claudio locked Sydal
into a giant swing for about 15 seconds. Sydal than hits his
standing moonsault onto Claudio. Claudio than hits a big
boot and a running European uppercut to pick up a couple of
near falls. Claudio picked up the victory. The finish came
when Sydal tried to hit a huaracanrana and Claudio used his
momentum and rolled through for the pinfall. After the match
Claudio’s former partner Hero came down with his manager
Larry Sweeney. Sweeney came down to offer his services to
Matt Sydal. Claudio ripped up the first paper contract. Matt
Sydal preceded to attack Claudio and agreed to become the
next member of Sweeney’s stable. |
BJ Whitmer versus Naomuchi Marufuji
This bout featured 2 of the hardest hitters for the night.
Good solid opening minutes with intense offense between the
competitors. Marufuji hit a tornado DDT that bounced Whitmer
off the ring apron. Once back in the ring Marufuji
butterflies Whitmer’s arm and flipped him over right into to
an arm breaker. Whitmer escaped the maneuver and in the next
couple minutes took and hit a superplex off the top rope.
Whitmer than followed that up with a suplex combination.
Started the combination of with a german suplex than turned
it into a dragon suplex. Marufuji got Whitmer into a tree of
woe position. Marufuji proceeded to hit Whitmer with the van
terminator. After a couple of blocks Marufuji finally picked
up the pin with the sliced bread number 2 the move is a
reverse blockbuster. |
Pelle Primeau versus Brent Albright
This match only lasted about 5 minutes or less. Albright
just demolished Primeau with suplex after suplex. Albright
won via submission. Albright picked up Primeau and threw him
up high and locked in the Crowbar on the way down. |
Jimmy Rave vs. Takeshi Morishima
for the ROH World Title
Another match that was short and sweet. Morishima is very
agile for a 300 pound wrestler. During the match he hit Rave
with a missile dropkick and an enzaguri. Jimmy Rave was able
to get a couple of his signature moves in the match.
Morishima picked up the pin using his signature back drop
driver. Morishima is getting more and more confident within
Ring of Honor. It will be a tall task to take the belt away
from him. |
Kevin Steen & El Generico vs. The
Briscoes for ROH Tag Titles
The feud between the two teams has been brewing for the last
couple of months. The team of Steen and Generico is an odd
teaming. Steen seems to be playing a heel while Generico is
a rule abiding face. The two teams exchanged a lot of
offensive maneuvers. The true highlight of the match
involved Steen hitting a senton on Jay. Mark then ran the
ring apron and hit a senton onto Steen after high hurdling
the ring post. Then after a few minutes then action returned
to the ringside area. Another highlight spot had The
Briscoes clear out a part of the seated fans. They proceeded
to hip toss El Generico into the fifth row of seats. El
Generico was launched by them and for him to get so quickly
was amazing. Kevin Steen then proceeded to powerbomb Mark
into the crowd. Kevin Steen then put his attraction onto
Jay. Steen hit a flipping leg drop onto Jay and got a two
count. Few minutes later Steen hit a swanton bomb onto Mark.
The battle escalated back out to the floor. Jay and El
Generico got back into the ring and exchanged moves. The
Briscoes picked up the victory. Jay was able to get El
Generico into his double underhook piledriver and Mark came
off the top rope and spiked him into the mat. Mark then
jumped over the top rope and drove Steen through a table
with the footstomp. After the match Steen attacked the
Briscoes with a ladder. |
Lacey & Rain vs. MsChef & Daizee
The first match of the DVD taping for the evening. Lacey and
Rain acted scared every time MsChef screamed. Good match
both teams exchanged control of the match. The main
highlight of the match was that all four ladies were
entwined into one submission maneuver. Daizee locked Rain
into a camel clutch. MsChef locked in a leg submission onto
Rain. MsChef also tied up Lacey. Lacey and Rain picked up
the victory with a double team unprettier. |
Chris Hero versus Nigel McGuiness
This match was a great surprise for the night. I didn’t know
what to expect going into the event. Their styles matched
perfectly. They are both ground and pounders focusing one
type of maneuvers. Hero loves using the cravat, which a
version of chin locks. Nigel loves using lariats throughout
the match. The match began with a challenge of headstands in
the corner. Nigel took a split second and knocked Hero into
his manager on the floor. It was an even paced match. Every
time one of them had an advantage it was quickly negated.
Chris Hero spot of the night had him hit Nigel with a cravat
cutter from the top rope and getting a near pin. Nigel
attempted his tower of London and was kept getting blocked.
The end of the match had Claudio come down and chase away
Hero’s manager and stable mates. Nigel was able to hit Hero
with a running European uppercut in the corner. Nigel then
was able to lift Hero onto the top rope and delivered the
Tower of London for the victory. |
Adam Pearce vs. Morishima for ROH
This match came about because Pearce came out to the ring.
Pearce then asked for someone to come out for a match.
Morishima accepted the challenge for the match and put the
title on the line. Pearce tried to brawl with the champion
to no effect. Pearce was able to deliver a vertical suplex
onto Morishima. Morishima just destroyed Pearce with his
repetoir of maneuvers. Morishima picked up the victory with
the back drop driver. Morishima after the match attacked
Shane Hagadorn and gave him the back drop driver. |
KENTA vs. “American Dragon” Bryan
This was the main event of the night and the promoted match.
Danielson like Angle has the innate ability on any night to
be a face or heel. This night the crowd was very much behind
him. KENTA was also a huge fan favorite. Danielson game plan
was evident right from the start. Danielson tried to keep
KENTA down on the mat. Danielson focused on KENTA’s arms
with several different submission maneuvers. Danielson used
his leg and body weight and stretched out KENTA arm. KENTA
regained control of the match by using his striking prowess
to his advantage. He kept hitting Danielson from different
angles and sides. Bryan regained control by avoiding a
strike and locking in another submission. Bryan took KENTA
arm and wrapped it around his leg and locked in a crossface
chicken wing. About halfway through the match Danielson
forced KENTA out to floor. Danielson was about ready to hit
a splash through the ropes and KENTA hoped back on the apron
and kicked Danielson. They traded control of the match back
and forth for the next several minutes. The match wound up
out on the apron Danielson hit a belly to belly suplex on
KENTA. KENTA was thrown down onto the floor. Danielson got
KENTA back in the ring and proceeded to lock in his cattle
mutilation submission maneuver. KENTA was able to break the
hold after a couple of minutes. They went back to exchanging
several stiff blows with each other. They then engaged in
trading several suplexes. Danielson got the advantage and
locked in cattle mutilation a second time on KENTA. The last
few minutes of the match did an awesome display of 2
wrestlers know each other. Everything they tried to pull off
they were reversing. The last few minutes of the match
Danielson did it one armed. KENTA hit a kick in the corner
that hit Danielson in the shoulder that he missed about 4
months. KENTA tried to hit his finisher the Go 2 Sleep on
Danielson. Danielson reversed it and started raining down
elbows to the side of KENTA’s head. Danielson tried for
hitting KENTA with his own maneuver. KENTA reversed it and
locked in the cattle mutilation on Danielson. Danielson
finally hit the Go 2 Sleep on KENTA but it seems to have
angered KENTA. KENTA finally picked up the hard fought
victory with the Go 2 Sleep. |
Overall every time Ring of Honor comes to Chicago they pull
out all the stops. They announced that when they come back
in September that they would be taping the 3rd pay per view
at the show. The pay per view will be great to see. These
wrestlers take risks but calculated risks. After the show
many of the wrestlers were in the open. They stopped and
signed autographs for all the fans still at the show. The
pay per view deals has provided them with the funds that
could vault them past TNA. |
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2007 Ring of Honor
Article © 2007 Alternate Reality, Inc. |