"Parents, we get dozen's of kid friendly titles in every week. Which ones are gem's and which ones aren't? That's what the reviews below are for. Every week our crack review staff picks through that weeks kids releases and reviews the titles you may be interested."

a DC COMICS ongoing series
Review by: Deanna "Dee Kay" Bihlmayer
Release Date: 122910
Writer: Sholly Fisch   Artist: Rick Burchett & Dan Davis
MSRP: $2.99 (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
When the Psycho-Pirate hurls Gotham into an abyss of its darkest emotions, even Batman is trapped in deepest despair. Only Captain Marvel can help The Dark Knight save the city. But to do it, Captain Marvel will have to use his own greatest power - the power of hope!
This probably would have been better coming out before Christmas, being it is about Christmas, but what do I know about the publishing world? Anyway, this All-New Batman Brave and the Bold is geared towards younger readers. Yes, it is still the Caped Crusader, but he a little watered down, at least for my taste. What I mean to say, he is not the Dark Knight, which he is not supposed to be, since this is a DC Kids book.

That said the story line is a good one. Again, as we have seen with other kids books there is a lesson told and a lesson learned. We start out in Gotham City, with Mr. Tawny (a civilized, upright walking, tiger), and Billy (aka Captain Marvel) getting off a bus from Fawcett City. Billy and Tawny are there for some Christmas shopping, but when they get off the bus it seems that everyone is either scared, angry, sad, or feeling hopeless. Sounds like an ad for depression medication, it’s not. Anyway, all the sudden Billy's frightened and Mr. Tawny gets mean (not such a civilized tiger now) and he chases Billy for lunch, I don’t mean with Billy either. Billy is on the menu. Shazam! Captain Marvel to the rescue. He wraps Tawny up for everyone’s protection and goes looking for the hero of Gotham, Batman. Uh oh! Batman seems to be very depressed, and doesn’t think saving Gotham’s citizens is worth it anymore, really, what’s the point? This is the work of the Psycho-Pirate! Finally, Captain Marvel gets Batman out of his slump, calls on some family members and they save Gotham and the Christmas Spirit. Batman ponders what Captain Marvel had that made Psycho-Pirate’s words fall on deaf ears. Meanwhile, Robin shows up, missing all the excitement, but wanting to get home for Christmas dinner.

Younger readers will enjoy this book, while older readers probably will find it simplistic and hokey. Either way, it is a good Christmas tale for the kiddies, which would have been even better coming out during the Christmas season! Still, pick it up; it is never too late for kids to learn what the season is meant to be about.

One more thing, the book also contains a sneak preview of Young Justice Stopover. A little extra “gift” for us all.
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a ARCHIE COMICS ongoing series
Review by: Deanna "Dee Kay" Bihlmayer
Release Date: 122210
Writer: Alex Simmons    Artist: Dan Parent & Rich Koslowski
MSRP: $2.99 (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
"Campaign Pain," Part 1. President Barack Obama and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin get involved as Student Government campaigns spiral out of control at Riverdale High! The race between Archie and Reggie gets hot as campaign chaos reaches to the top, forcing an impromptu visit from these big-name politicos, who get pulled into the fray!
Finally, the President and Sarah Palin visit Riverdale High but not for the reasons you may think. It seems once again, Reggie and Archie are facing off, this time it is for student body president. Since Veronica is Archie’s campaign manager, she has a brilliant idea: take Archie to visit President Obama, secretly photograph them together, and then act as if the President is endorsing Archie! Great, right? What’s the harm? Well, for one, Reggie decides to do the same, instead using a photo with Sarah Palin, which only makes matters worse for the pair.

What none of the teenager’s understands is this type of campaigning is wrong. They are not using truth in campaigning by using “secret photo-ops”, and the President and Mrs. Palin are not happy with Archie and Reggie at all.

This story is good for kids to read because it brings them politics, but in a more simplistic way they can understand. Even breaking down, the issue of the “photo-op,” which I am guessing is going to show President Obama and Sarah Palin actually agreeing on something! For that we will have to wait and see in the next issue.

Overall this is a good read and appropriate for all ages. It also lets children get a small glimpse on current events (I do like when a book teaches something). Archie and the gang themselves, have not changed much, since I was reading them on a regular basis. Their wardrobe is hipper, the cars are nicer, but they are still the teenagers of Riverdale High that we know and love, and the books are well worth picking up for any Archie fan you know.
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Review by: Deanna "Dee Kay" Bihlmayer
Release Date: 121510
Writer/Artist: David Petersen
MSRP: $3.50 (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
The Eisner Award-winning Mouse Guard returns with The Black Axe, a third volume to be told in six bi-monthly issues. Set in 1115, this prequel to Mouse Guard: Fall 1152 fulfills the promise the wise oldfur Celanawe made to Lieam the day his paw first touched the Black Axe: to tell the young warrior about the mouse who first wielded the deadly weapon. The arrival of distant kin takes Celanawe on an adventure that will carry him across the sea to uncharted waters and lands, all while unraveling the legend of Farrer, the blacksmith who forged the mythic Black Axe.
This Mouse Guard adventure is the first one I have ever sat down to read. This story is good for children 8 and up; younger children might be a little frightened by some of the violence that happens in the story.

The story was well put together, but I would really like if the author could lay off the calligraphy. If you are reading this to a younger child, and have “older” eyes, you might run into the problem I did..."what is that word?" Anyway, once I figured out the calligraphy I found the story very entertaining. The illustrations, remind me of the children’s books I grew up reading, such as the 100 acres wood and Stuart Little, and I enjoyed the drawings along with the storyline.

The story begins in the spring of 1115, where our hero, Celenawe (pronounced Khel-en awe), is preparing for a three day journey back to the citadel of the Mouse Guard. Simultaneously, and old mouse named Em, goes on a journey to find her last living relative. Guess Who? Why none other than our hero. Nevertheless, no sooner does she land, but the terrible Fishers show up. I am pretty sure these guys are odorous weasels, and they are very nasty. The Fishers (who dress like pirates, and have the same temperament, it seems), kill any animal in their path, and this is where I think for the very young child, this could be a little scary. Celenawe realizes that by land the Fishers will catch and kill him and the old one, Em, but if they go by Sea, they can get away. This is because the Fishers do not like deep water. The problem, how to get across the sea? Em, then tells Celenawe that she has the ability to talk to birds, and calls on a duck to aid them. Em then informs our hero that the Matriarch has requested he join Em on her quest for the Black Axe!

Will Em and Celenawe find a vessel to take them across the sea? Will Celenawe find out more about the quest for the Black Axe? These and other questions should be answered in issue #2, and I for one, cannot wait!

One final note, if you have never read any Mouse Guard you can pick this up without any problems. I though, will now go back and read the older stories, just because I found this one so adorable.
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Review by: Deanna "Dee Kay" Bihlmayer
Release Date: 120810
Writer: Michael Aushenker Artist: Rafael Navarro
MSRP: $2.99 (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
When Gumby and Pokey horse around with an ancient Egyptian medallion belonging to Professor Kapp, everyone's favorite pony pal is accidentally hurled through time and space! Pokey meets Billy the Kid in the Wild West, aliens from the future, and more soldiers than you can shake your tail at during the Trojan War! Join Pokey in the trip of a lifetime for his first solo adventure in this all-new four-issue mini-series!
When I first received this book to review, I was told I might be surprised; this book is not geared towards little kids only, as you may think. That assessment is so true. Pokey is still fun for young readers, but will also grab the older readers of all ages with his pop culture humor, all while on a historically (literally) fun adventure.

Believe it or not, this is Pokey’s first adventure on his own. Gumby is in the story, but Pokey is the star who goes on the journeys through time. He also learns a little of history along the way while making some cute and funny pop culture jokes. Who knew he and Gumby liked to listen to RUN DMC?

Pokey puts on an ancient Egyptian amulet to dance to RUN DMC and every time he says “You be illin” he pops into a new place in time. Pokey is ridden by Paul Revere, chased by mummies, and thrown into the year 4000, to name a just a few places he finds himself.

Ultimately, Gumby needs to find Pokey, to get him back to their own time, which he does by using books in a library. This book gives us glimpses of history and a lesson on the consequences of touching or taking something that does not belong to us.

This is a great read for kids of all ages. Gumby and Pokey adventures for the young, history and life lessons for the “tween” set and pop culture humor for the rest of us. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it was nice to read a book about a favorite childhood toy and enjoy it as much as I did when I was a lot younger.
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a BOOM! COMICS ongoing series
Review by: Deanna "Dee Kay" Bihlmayer
Release Date: 120210
Writer: Ian Brill  Artist: Leonel Castellani
MSRP: $3.99 (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
It's the return of your favorite furry flatfoots in an all new original ongoing series! Coming on the heels of BOOM!'s bestselling Darkwing Duck ongoing series, BOOM! continues the the Disney Afternoon Revolution with Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers as the diminutive detectives embark on all-new original adventures! This is the series that will have you singing that song you can never forget: "Sometimes some crimes go slipping through the cracks. But these two Gumshoes are picking up the slack. There's no case too big, no case too small, when you need help just call -Ch-ch-ch-Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers!" Note: Available in the United States and Canada only.
Let me just say from the start, I love Chip ‘n’ Dale ever since I can remember. With that said, I still think this book is great for kids of all ages to pick up and read or have read to them.

The first thing I noticed, which I always like in a book, is that on the first page, for those who are not familiar with the characters, a short “bio” on the main characters of the Rescue Rangers. Next, is a short look back in time at Gadget when she was a little girl, and why she is so special to the Rescue Rangers and her dad.

Now our adventure begins! To begin with, the story is fun and exciting. The colors and artwork are very attractive and will keep even a younger child interested in the story. At first, I thought maybe my book’s pages were put together in the wrong order, but then realized that during one point we are in Dale’s head, when he thinks they are going to crash; and the next time Monterey Jack is telling the back story to why they are in the situation they are in now. So, once I reread the book and found the flow of the back and forth in time, which again is great for younger readers, because it will keep their attention with different things going on; I truly enjoyed the story and am looking forward to the next installment of the Rescue Ranger’s adventure.

One further note for the older reader: I believe, if you like funny adventure stories with a hilarious group of characters, that bumble through one mishap after another, trying to stay ahead of their nemesis, who is a fat cat (coincidentally his name is Fat Cat), you will enjoy reading this book to your child or even the guilty pleasure of just reading it for yourself.
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a BONGO COMICS ongoing series
Review by: Deanna "Dee Kay" Bihlmayer
Release Date: 111710
Writer: Mike W.Barr  Artist: John Costanza
MSRP: $3.99 (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
Homer's get-rich-scheme to sell Christmas trees runs afoul of conservative Birch Barlow, who's also looking to cash-in on the commercialization of the festive holiday with his inspiring rant about the "War on Christmas!"
First off, if you are a parent of children under 12 years old, I have two words for you- The Simpsons! This comic is definitely not for small children. In my opinion, any one under 16 should not read it. This issue includes a rant about the “War on Christmas” using a Rush Limbaugh type character, with the use of racial slurs and profiling. Throw in some gang violence and extortion, and we are all set for what Christmas is all about right?

Therefore, this is definitely not for children. This book is geared towards adults, and even then, it is still tasteless and crude. This is not in the Christmas spirit at all, and should be left on the shelf that you found it on.
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a MARVEL COMICS mini-series
Review by: Deanna "Dee Kay" Bihlmayer
Release Date: 111010
Writer: Christopher Yost  Artist: Scott Wegener
MSRP: $3.99 (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
Based on the AMAZING new animated series! What do you do when the world's evilest villains attack? Call Earth's Mightiest Heroes to save the day! In our first tale, CAPTAIN AMERICA and THOR face a threat bigger than BOTH of them! And in tale two, following the exploits of everyone's favorite arrow-flinger: HAWKEYE!

The story is based on the Disney XD version of Marvel’s Avengers. In this issue, Captain America believes he is out of place in the future and Thor is helping him to realize he is needed still. Throw in a few bad guys and you have another great superhero story for kids.

This comic also includes short bios of some of the characters in case the kids haven’t seen the show yet, and need some history on who’s who. If you watch the TV series, you won’t be disappointed in this issue, which is written by one of the shows producers. Even if you haven’t seen the show, you will still enjoy the story line which is straight to the point of good vs. evil and is easy to follow.

Again, as with most of today’s books for kids to read, there is a message to be learned. Even if you feel useless at certain times, just remember you are important and needed by the people who care about you.

I recommend this book to kids of all ages, (yes I know for those of you aficionado’s the story is not as complex and has some time issues), but for a quick good vs. evil fun, you can’t go wrong with this book.

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OZMA OF OZ  #1 of  8
a MARVEL COMICS mini-series
Review by: Deanna "Dee Kay" Bihlmayer
Release Date: 110310
Writer: Eric Shanower  Artist: Skottie Young
MSRP: $3.99 (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
Dorothy Gale plunges into adventure again, this time with a talking chicken named Billina. Dorothy and Billina are washed off their sailing ship to face drowning, starvation, and screaming Wheelers, strange men with wheels instead of hands and feet. The multiple Eisner Award-winning and New York Times bestselling team of Shanower and Young returns to Oz with this comics adaptation of L. Frank Baum's third Oz book.

This is definitely a story for all ages. We find ourselves following the further adventures of Dorothy Gale, our heroine from one of the greatest classics of all time; The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. The story is easy to read and flows smoothly. This first issue is action packed and leaves quite a cliffhanger. I am sure anyone who picks up this book will thoroughly enjoy Dorothy’s new adventure.

Once again, we find Dorothy Gale in a storm, Oh my!! Only this time Dorothy is on a ship with Uncle Henry heading for Australia to visit relatives down under. Dorothy is blown off the deck of the ship into the sea. Lucky for her there is an animal crate floating by that she can ride out the storm in. When the storm ends, our heroine finds herself in the crate with a talking hen of all things! Land Ho! Miss Gale and her new friend, land on what looks to be a deserted island where they find a warning written in the sand. This chapter ends with Dorothy and hen being chased by creatures they believe are called “Wheelers,” in part based on the warning in the sand, and the fact that these strange things have wheels on their hands and feet.

A few questions to ponder until next issue: Is Dorothy back in Oz? (It doesn’t look or feel like Oz), maybe it is Australia after all? Where are Uncle Henry and the ship?
Who are these creatures with wheels, and are they friendly or mean, terrible, monsters?

This is definitely a “keeper” in the continuing adventures of Dorothy Gale, and worth picking up whether for your children or for yourself. Either way, Oz fans young and old will not be disappointed with this newest tale.

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a MARVEL COMICS mini-series
Review by: Deanna "Dee Kay" Bihlmayer
Release Date: 102710
Writer: Chris Eliopoulos  Artist: Ig Guara
MSRP: $3.99 (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
Basic Truth: It's very hard to protect the earth when you've been turned into a frog. The Pet Avengers Return! Good thing, too, cuz dragons have decided that it's time to take over the world and oppress the silly humans once and for all!!! And since Captain America, Iron Man & Thor are all green and hopping about, here's hoping they can get used to their new flippers in time to fight alongside Earth's Mightiest Pets!

This being the first of hopefully many reviews I will be doing for the kidz corner, let us get right to it.

This issue is the first of four in this story line by Marvel. The plot tells us about the age of dragons, their awakening, and the Pet Avengers coming to the rescue of the Avengers, now in frog form, and the dragons plan to take over earth.

For the younger readers there is action, dragons, talking animals and, well, Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man have been turned into frogs! The story moves at a fast pace and leaves you wanting more. There is even a great public service announcement about not letting dogs have chocolate candy. Very responsible of the writers to point this out.

For older readers, parents, or both, the story line may seem a little disjointed if you don’t know any background of the characters (like me). So, some of the more pointed questions I asked myself were why, if only one dragon was left, put to sleep and was awakened, was the island swarming with them, why is the main dragon Fin Fang Foom wearing shorts, and why are the Avengers frogs??? Well, hopefully, we will find these questions out and more in the next three issues.

Overall, this comic is very entertaining and kids of all ages will enjoy it (even cynical ones like me). I am looking forward to the next issues to see what happens to the frog Avengers. Will Thor, Iron Man and Captain America be changed back to human form? What is the fate of our Pet Avengers, will they become dragon lunch? Will Lockheed leave the Pet Avengers to their “dragon lunch” fate and join the dragons on their quest to dominate earth? All these, and more, should be answered in issues #2-4.

If you're in Grade School are you a Good Grades Club member? If not join today and get in-store discounts on all your purchases for each of the "A's" & "B's" on your report card!
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All Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2010 by their respective owners. No rights given or implied by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.

Reviews © 2010 Alternate Reality, Inc.



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Lots of great comics are published for kids, we have an overview of just a few!