In December the new status quo of Jennifer Walters will be revealed in a new
series from Mariko Tamaki (This One Summer) and Nico Leon (Ms. Marvel). The new
series will be called Hulk and follow her as she tries to go back to her life as
a lawyer and superhero after the events of Civil War II. In the event she was
almost killed by Thanos. Marvel Editor In Chief Axel Alonso told the AV Club,
“The title She-Hulk evokes light-hearted stories about a Jennifer Walters who is
at peace with herself and in full control of her powers. This isn’t that book.
On the other hand, the title Hulk implies all of the baggage that comes with
that comic’s 50+ year history; the ongoing battle with the monster within; and
that’s why it’s more appropriate for this series.” Eisner award winner Tamaki
says the series will show a Hulk that is a monster, a hero and human at the same
time. |