The Thunderbolts debuted in 1997. In the first issue of Kurt Busiek and Mark
Bagley’s title on the last page it was revealed that the new team was the
Masters of Evil n disguise. In the current run by Jim Zub and Jon Malin its
being run by Bucky Barnes (AKA The Winter Soldier) and its mission is to protect
the youthful cosmic entity known as Kobik from everyone. The team has been doing
a fine job so far but in Thunderbolts #10, a new arc will begin called Return of
the Masters. The over-sized issue will include a back up tale by Busiek and
Bagley that brings back Jolt. In recent issues Songbird has rejoined the team
and she has been enlisted in recovering Bucky from S.H.I.E.L.D. Zub says her
return and the return of Jolt will set up the events of Return of the Masters by
showing that being a hero isn’t as easy as it seems and drifting to a darker
path may be inevitable with the return of an old villain that may or may not be
Baron Zemo. |