Wilson Fisk will get a new series on February from Matthew Rosenberg and Ben
Torres. The Kingpin has returned to New York and regained control of the
territory he once ruled over but in the series we will see Fisk try to expand
his empire. Rosenberg will show Fisk secure in his territory but with a
different mind set than he has had in the past. Before his return he made
calculating moves to stay at the top but in this new series his moves won’t be
as subtle. The first arc will show how the regular citizens of New York see him
as. The arc will show some of his old enemies but have him travel to places
where we will discover new ones. Rosenberg will explore Kingpin’s long standing
rivalries with Daredevil, Spider-Man and the Punisher in the series but that
will not be the sole focus of the book. One of the new characters seen in the
series is disgraced journalist Sarah Dewey who the Kingpin is offering her old
life back to. Wesley, Turk, Hammerhead and Tombstone will be involved in the
series as well. |