To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first race between
The Flash and Superman Dan Abnett will (with the help of Lee Weeks) have Clark
Smith and Wally West race in the pages of Titans. Wally is already dealing with
the fact that the Linda Park of DC’s Rebirth Universe has no idea who he is.
Superman is showing up in #7 and the Superman of this Earth does remember Wally
from pre-Rebirth. And to help Wally work out the Linda problem he and Wally are
going to race. Abnett will reveal in the issue that Wally is faster than he was
in the past and that his relationship with the Speed Force isn’t like the
relationship with Barry Allen or anyone else. It has also been hinted in the
pages of Titans that there is a connection with the Watchmen’s arrival in the DC
Universe, specifically Doctor Manhattan. The arc that follows will show the team
adjusting to their new base in Manhattan and mark the return of Bumblebee.
Abnett introduced the Rebirth version of Bumblebee in Titans Hunt and this
version has never been a superhero before. Mal Duncan will be around in the arc
also and at some point Deathstroke is going to show up but not until the Titans
face the Fearsome Five. |