The Friday the 13th franchise was rebooted in 2009 and it’s about to get that
treatment again. The film will create a new origin for serial killer Jason
Voorhees. One rumor suggested that the film would be set in the 1980s and
another hinted the film would be a found footage film like The Blair Witch
Project. It was the plan for the producers to get the film out by now but there
were rights issue between Paramount and Warner Bros. Then Paramount suggested
the found footage idea that Platinum Dunes wasn’t a fan of. Things became
delayed further when they couldn’t agree on whether to do a direct sequel to the
2009 film or just start over. Now everything has been decided and the film which
will be set during the 80’s will start shooting in the spring for a 10/13/2017
release date. The CW was considering a TV series but that idea is dead. |