The Green Lantern Corps are all together on Mogo now and they
have a partnership with the Sinestro Corps. With that all done Hal Jordan and
the Green Lantern Corps’ writer Robert Venditti says his next arc Prism of Time
will have the corps deal with an enemy from the future and along the way add
more layers to Kyle Rayner. #17 will focus greatly on Kyle, set up the time
travel arc and lay out the arc that follows due to the discovery of things about
him and his power set. The alliance with the Sinestro Corps will be spearheaded
by John Stewart, who will be tasked to train them to be heroes and not villains.
This will involve members of both Corps working together even though some don’t
believe the idea will work. #25 will end an arc called Fracture and the arc will
tie up all the plot threads set up in the first year of the title. #26 will then
start year two and show new status quos for everything while setting up the
year. |