All we know so far about Thor: Ragnarok: the end of Doctor Strange revealed that
Loki is now in New York City and Strange is helping Thor find him. The two
brothers need to work together to fight Hela since she is the goddess of
death…the plot has Thor in a prison on the other side of the universe without
his hammer and needing to get back to Asgard to stop Ragnarok…Jurassic Park’s
Sam Neill joined the cast for a small yet important part…the film will have a
science fiction vibe to it with little connection to the other Marvel
films…Natalie Portman has made it known she has no interest in doing anymore
Marvel films so she isn’t in this one and couldn’t be anyway since it takes
place in outer space…the prison planet Thor is stuck on is ruled by Jeff
Goldblum’s Grandmaster and serves as the hiding place for Valkyrie (Tessa
Thompson). Also on the planet is Bruce Banner, who is the best fighter in the
gladiator games the Grandmaster has set up. |