The creators of Bane, Chuck Dixon and Graham Nolan are doing
a 12-issue limited series called Bane: Conquest…Witchblade’s Stjepan Sejic is
the new Aquaman artist starting with #25…Warren Ellis will relaunch Wildcats. He
has already announced a Michael Cray (Deathblow) series so he has one more new
WildStorm title to announce…the crossover event The Lazarus Contract will have
Deathstroke, Teen Titans and Titans answer Slade Wilson’s connection to the
former Teen Titans…Paul Dini will write an ongoing back-up story in Harley
Quinn…Vigilante: Southland was cancelled with #3. The rest of the series will be
seen in a trade…Geoff Johns has been sending out hints he is doing a book using
the Watchmen's Doctor Manhattan with Phil Jimenez…the Jack Kirby character BUG
will return in a new Young Animal title called Bug!: The Adventures of Forager
from Lee, Mike and Laura Allred…Neil Gaiman has been working on a Batman story
for about 30 years and says he is about done with it. |