We learned in the last issue of All Star Batman that the
villain behind the events of the Ends of the Earth arc was Ra’s al Ghul. The
next arc will give us the back story of Alfred Pennyworth, the first man to aid
Batman. Ends showed a new way in which Ra’s will fight Batman; by challenging
the idea of truth and fiction since Batman never looks at his own mortality and
finds solutions to things he doesn’t have when he takes on someone. The Alfred
arc, The First Ally will have him in Miami and finally reveal why Alfred joined
MI6 and why he ended up leaving. The arc will be villain heavy and lead into
Dark Days, which will set up the future of Duke Thomas. The initial plan was to
create a new role for Duke in All-Star but the editors told Scott Snyder he
needed to expand his story. The First Ally story arch began in All Star Batman
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