After starting the Avengers franchise Joss Whedon has signed on to write, direct
and produce a Batgirl movie for Warner Bros. Pictures and DC Films. The film
will be based specifically on Gail Simone’s New 52 version of the character. He
doesn’t have an actress in mind for the part but doesn’t think its going to be a
big name. Whedon’s involvement in DC films will not stop there. He has been
tasked to Zack Snyder’s Justice League film after Snyder decided to step away
from the currently in post-production project and all other work he’s involved
with after the suicide of his 20-year-old daughter Autumn Snyder in March. Her
death had been kept private and Snyder stopped working for two weeks then
realized that he wasn’t up for working on the film or anything else. Warner
Brothers considered pushing back the release date of the movie but Snyder and
his wife, Deborah a producer on the film didn’t want that to happen. The studio
has extended Snyder’s first-look deal to give him time to work on other planned
projects when he returns. Whedon got involved with the film when Snyder brought
him in to write some additional scenes for the film after a test screening.
Whedon will shoot those scenes and guide it through post-production. |