DC is shipping seven one-shots this September that will tie into
Dark Nights: Metal. The one-shots will ship a month after the first issue of
Metal. The books include: Batman: The Red Death #1 (Joshua Williamson and
Carmine Di Giandomenico); Batman: The Murder Machine #1 (Frank Tieri and Ricardo
Federici); Batman: The Dawnbreaker #1 (Sam Humphries and Ethan Van Sciver);
Batman: The Drowned #1 (Dan Abnett and Philip Tan); Batman: The Merciless #1
(Peter J. Tomasi and Francis Manapul); Batman: The Devastator #1 (no creative
team) and The Batman Who Laughs (no creative team). The introduction of the
Batmen from the Dark Multiverse also involves a series of crossover stories
called Gotham Resistance that will involve Teen Titans #12, Nightwing #29 and
Suicide Squad #26. As for Metal itself Scott Snyder says it will run in parallel
with Geoff Johns’ Doomsday Clock and Three Jokers stories. The event will have
Plastic Man and Mister Terrific play major roles in Metal as do the original
Outsiders. |