The 50-page one-shot Marvel Legacy #1 from Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic will tell
the origin of the Marvel Universe and how everything is connected. The issue
will also introduce the Avengers of 1,000,000 B.C. The first Legacy titles will
then ship. Some books will get three page Marvel Primer Pages created by Mark
Bagley and Robbie Thompson that will serve as an entry point to each of the
series for new readers. So far we know that The Mighty Thor #700 will begin an
arc called Death of the Mighty Thor and will deal with Jane Foster in her
current roll; US Avengers #11 will change the status quo for at least a couple
of characters and introduce a brand-new Supreme Leader of A.I.M.; Royals #9
reveals who made the Kree and kill off a member; Iceman #6 will reunite the
original Champions; Spider-Gwen #25 has her bond with her universe’s version of
the Venom symbiote; the Avengers & Champions will crossover; Luke Cage #166 will
explore the life of Carl Lucas as Luke Cage ends up back in prison; America #8
marks the return of the Exterminatrix as America Chavez gets new powers;
Deadpool will become The Despicable Deadpool and have Wade Wilson come after
Cable as he returns to his old life as a mercenary and wanted killer; The
Defenders #6 will have the team deal with the street war created by the
Kingpin’s absence; Invincible Iron Man #593 has Tony Stark completely gone which
means someone new has to wear the armor; All-New Wolverine #25 will have Laura
searching for Daken and meeting the Orphans of X; The Incredible Hulk #709 has
Amadeus Cho go to Planet Hulk; Rodney Barnes and Joshua Cassara will team on a
Falcon ongoing that has him and The Patriot take on Blackheart; X-Men Gold and
X-Men Blue will crossover in an arc that brings back Mojo; Donny Cates and
Gabriel Hernandez Walta will make Loki the new Doctor Strange in November;
Jessica Jones #13 will bring back the Purple Man to torment her; Donny Cates and
Geoff Shaw will team for a new Thanos ongoing and Robbie Thompson and Chris
Bachalo will take over the renamed Spider-Man vs. Deadpool. There are more
announcements out there so stay tuned. |