Stephen Strange has long been the Sorcerer Supreme of the Marvel Universe but
that will change when Loki inherits the job. How and why that happened will be
explained by the new Doctor Strange creative team of Donny Cates, Gabriel
Hernandez Walta and Jordie Bellaire in issue #381. Cates take on Stephen Strange
will explore both aspects of him being humble and yet colorful since when most
blanch at a threat he acts like what he sees is cute. When the first arc begins
Strange is kind of having a midlife crisis and that leads to Loki taking over
his job. Loki being the new Sorcerer Supreme is part of the evolution of the
path that Kieron Gillen set him on. He’s still trying to make up for the bad
things he has done and in his new role he will continue to do so even though
most don’t buy it. Cates says people shouldn’t wonder how Loki became the
Sorcerer Supreme but ask why he took the job. Apprentice Zelma Stanton will
continue to be a part of the supporting cast. Cates’ run on the book will set up
something that will affect the entire Marvel Universe. |