Daniel Bryan was the guest on a recent Edge and Christian’s podcast. During the
show he talked about his forced retirement due to his concussions specifically
the lesion that was found in his brain. He was originally cleared by three
different doctors, two of which WWE recommended but the WWE still would not
clear him. WWE sent him to do some experimental testing and that’s where they
found the lesion. When Bryan told this to one of the doctors that originally
cleared him the doctor told him that a lesion was a vague term when it came to
brain injuries and could be anything. The testing did show that Bryan’s reflexes
were slower than that of NFL or other athletes that have taken the test but not
slower than a normal person. On a From the Top Rope podcast with her sister
Nikki, Brie Bella made it clear that Bryan will eventually end up wrestling
again either in the WWE or somewhere else. She said she would not stand in his
way if doctors cleared him. Bryan has been going to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
sessions for about a year. If he is allowed to wrestle again he has already said
he would change his style in the ring. |