Greg Smallwood’s Midnight Sons project may happen after all…X-Men Gold and X-Men
Blue will end and be replaced by two new team books…Marvel Legacy isn’t the
means to an end but the beginning of one. In April and the months beyond we will
see a few titles restarted with new creative teams. Nick Spencer and Ryan Ottley
are expected to take over Amazing Spider-Man; Ta-Nehisi Coates will eventually
take over Captain America; Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic are expected to take over
Avengers; Despicable Deadpool #300 will be the last issue with that title then
it will just be called Deadpool; Hawkeye’s Kelly Thompson is expected to take
over Jessica Jones; Iron Fist’s Ed Brisson may be taking over Spider-Man; we
will get a new Incredible Hulk series and Matthew Rosenberg, Al Ewing and Luther
Strode’s Justin Jordan have new books coming up…Weapon X will either be renamed
X-Men Black or X-Force…there were rumors Spider-Gwen was going to be cancelled
but may just get a name change…Kitty Pryde and Colossus will be getting married
in the summer…Lockjaw is getting his own limited series from Daniel Kibblesmith
and Carlos Villa…new Marvel EIC CB Cebulski has apologized for using the
pseudonym Akira Yoshida to write comics for Marvel in the mid-2000’s. |