March's Cable #155 will reunite Hope Summers with her surrogate father and
introduce the new creative team of co-writers Zac Thompson and Lonnie Nadler
along with artist German Peralta. Their first arc is called Past Fears and deal
with the Techno-Organic Virus Cable was infected with as a child and a new
villain who also has it. Thompson and Nadler got the job due to writer Matthew
Rosenberg, who turned their Black Mask Studios’ comic The Dregs into the hands
of Marvel editorial. As they were talking with Marvel they duo was asked to
pitch a few limited series and since Marvel liked what they submitted they were
offered the Cable gig. Their arc will bring Cable back to the present and
dealing with a lot of regret and fear. He will try to come to terms with members
of his family and make amends. The first person he encounters will be Hope, who
has been dealing with the same issues as her father. #155 will show the two try
to restore their connection while facing a foe that doesn’t want that to happen.
CABLE #155 is currently scheduled to ship on Wednesday March 21, 2018. It will
be 15% off for the whole week until
March 27th (while supplies last) |