April Oliver Queen takes a vacation from Seattle to the hellhole known as Vahkar.
"THE CHILDREN OF VAHKAR" story arc begins after a hellish year in Seattle
concludes. Oliver Queen heads out to the war-torn city of Vahkar to use his
considerable resources to help its starving citizens. But Oliver soon finds
himself in over his head when he discovers that Vakhar is being run by a
mysterious new warlord known as NOTHING...and all the town's children have gone
missing. Oliver Queen can't save the children of Vakhar...but can Green Arrow?
"The Children of Vahkar: begins in GREEN ARROW #39, written by Collin Kelly and
Jackson Lanzing with art by Marcio Takara and is currently scheduled to ship on
Wednesday April 4, 2018. It will be 15% off starting on the 4th and for the rest
of the week until April 10th (while supplies last) |