Action Comics #1000 will contain: a 10-page story from
Brian Michael Bendis and Jim Lee; a Marv Wolfman scripted story using never
before published artwork by Curt Swan; a Geoff Johns/Richard Donner story drawn
by Olivier Coipel; a Paul Dini story drawn by José Luis García-López; a Tom King
story drawn by Clay Mann with colors from Jordie Bellaire; a Brad Meltzer story
drawn by John Cassaday with colors from Laura Martin; a Louise Simonson/Jerry
Ordway story; a Scott Snyder/Tim Sale story and an unpublished Jerry Siegel and
Joe Shuster story. The issue will ship on 4/18/2018. The Jim Lee-drawn cover
will feature a new costume that uses a variety of classic and new elements,
including the Man of Steel’s trademark red trunks. The issue also has two
15-page stories from the current teams working on Action Comics and Superman.
April will see a series of Superman-themed variant covers on multiple titles.
It all happens in ACTION COMICS #1000, and is currently scheduled to ship on
Wednesday April 18, 2018 with multiple covers. It will be 15% off starting on
the 18th and for the rest of the week until April 24th (while supplies last) |