The main book of The New Age of DC Heroes
line was supposed to have been Jim Lee and James Tynion IV’s The Immortal Men
but its now the last book of the line to be published. The book has been delayed
twice and may actually make it on the racks by April unless another delay
happens. The Immortal Men as seen in the prelude books to Dark Nights: Metal’s
The Forge and The Casting have been secretly saving the world for centuries even
though sometimes it didn’t look that way. Lee says the concept began with the
name Immortal Man, who was going to be either Vandal Savage’s uncle or brother.
From there the question became are there more people like that out there who
were given immortality and if so what would they do with the ability. Once that
was figured out then it was easy to involve these immortals in DC continuity
that went back to the ’50s. It is all connected to Duke Thomas and his mother,
who was offered a chance to join the group and said no so she could raise her
family. A chance at a normal life was a possibility for all of the team members
but they sacrificed normal lives in order to save the world. IMMORTAL MEN #1 is currently
scheduled to ship on Wednesday April 11, 2018 and will be 25% off on the 11th and 15% off for the rest
of the week until April 17th (while supplies last). |