The Golden Circle’s Matthew Vaughn has a lot of irons on the fire and here is
what we know about his plans so far: the first cut of Golden Circle was 3 hours
and 40 minutes long so Fox wanted to cut in half but he stopped that idea…the
franchise could go in multiple directions but a sequel is likely…he has met with
Warner Brothers about doing Man of Steel 2 and his take would be in the same
mold as the Dick Donner film…he could also a DC film other than Man of Steel
2…at one point he was going to do a Flash Gordon film but doesn’t thinks it is
ever going to happen…Vaughn had an idea to do a young Wolverine film that would
have featured young Wolverine and a new character then follow it up with X-Men:
Days of Future Past. Fox didn’t like the idea so he moved on. |