In the first issue of X-Men Red we saw that after the events of Phoenix
Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey limited series Grey’s mission became
changing the world. The Tom Taylor/Mahmud Asrar series has seen Jean forming a
team then announcing her plan to improve the lives of both humans and mutants on
a global basis at the United Nations. That put her at odds with Cassandra Nova.
Taylor says Jean will lead the team by not having her ask them to do anything
she wouldn’t do. That makes her team more like the Champions who want to fix the
world’s problems even if they have to fight villains. Doing so made her approach
Namor, the Sub-Mariner who got her in front if the UN because he’s the ruler of
Atlantis. He will not be in every issue but will be around when she needs him.
Wolverine and her sister Honey Badger are on the team to offer an idealistic
perspective and one that has learned that violence is not always the answer.
Nightcrawler is there to be Jean’s support system and someone to lighten things
up from time to time. The Wakandan mutant Gentle is one of the strongest mutants
around but doesn’t resort to violence due to his power base. The stronger he
gets, the more pain it causes him. Taylor has also included a brand new mutant
called Trinary, who is an Indian technopath. Her powers will allow the team to
fight online threats. The line up of the team will be fluid and other X-Men will
join depending on the story. Cassandra Nova was chosen as the first villain the
team faces since her and Jean’s beliefs are total opposites. Jean was also a
major reason Nova was beaten in her debut in Grant Morrison’s X-Men run. |