Horse has announced a new graphic novel anthology from Neil Gaiman and Mark
Buckingham called Likely Stories. The GN will adapt four prose stories by Gaiman…Black
Crown has announced an new ongoing called Euthanauts (from Tini Howard and Nick
Robles, which is about death) and the five –issue limited series House Amok (a
horror tale from Christopher Sebela and Shawn McManus)…Youngblood’s Jim Towe is
leaving the book to work at Marvel…the next Howard Chaykin Image book is called
Hey Kids! Comics and it will tell the history of the industry…Robert Kirkman and
Marc Silvestri’s Stellar will return in June with the creative team of Shutter’s
Joseph Keatinge and New Mutants’ Bret Blevins…the creative team on Dynamite’s
Charlie’s Angels book is John Layman and Faith’s Joe Eisma…Dark Horse will
create two Incredibles 2 tie-ins. One is a graphic novel and the other a
three-issue limited series…Scott Snyder and Jock’s Wytches returns in the fall
with a 60-page prelude called Wytches: The Bad Egg…Frank Miller is working on a
young adult book called Cursed that will involve the legend of King Arthur…Thief
of Thieves will return for its final arc in July. The Winter Men’s Brett Lewis
will write the last arc. |