Slott and Valerio Schiti will team on Tony Stark: Iron Man. The series will
place Stark back in his armor; well a series of armors since Schiti has designed
feature hundreds of new armors for him to wear. Slott says the series will be a
mix between Rick & Morty and Black Mirror. That means we will see stories that
have humor, embrace the continuity of the character and show Tony constantly
push barriers that most would avoid. And because of that we will see the
multiple armors fit the bill for what Tony wants to do. Tony will be a tweaked
version of the Bronze Age version of Tony Stark so he will enjoy himself inside
and out of the armor. Slott didn’t know he was going to transition from Amazing
Spider-Man to Iron Man but when Brian Michael Bendis left for DC he asked if he
could take over the series. He pitched a take that would involve high concept
sci-fi that could lead stories in so many other directions. Slott will bring
back to the series Bethany Cabe and Madame Masque.
TONY STARK IRON MAN #1, is an all-new ongoing series and is currently scheduled to
ship on Wednesday 062018 with a $4.99 cover price. At the store the "1st DAY
SALE" price will be $3.75 (25% OFF) all day long on the 6th and $4.25 (15% OFF)
from the 20th through the 26th-while supplies last! |