Millar and Oliver Coipel’s new Image book The Magic Order is on the racks right
now. It’s the first Millarworld comic stemming from his Netflix deal. The comic
tells the story of a hidden family of magicians that has been protecting us from
ancient mystical threats. Millar came up with the idea because it was a genre he
hadn’t worked in before. So he used King Lear as a template to tell a story
about a father worried about his children. The world the book is based in seems
normal and like ours but there are things behind the surface that we will see
through the eyes of the family. The three main characters see behind the shadows
and protect us while working regular jobs until they are summoned to do so. They
have a brother who has created a normal life that he wants to maintain due to
things that have happened in the past. So we have a classic stage magician, a
regular guy, a slick talker and a street punk. Moonstone the Magnificent worries
his three kids aren’t capable of protecting the world once he is gone; Cordelia
has substance abuse issues; Regan is a Sonny Corleone type and Gabriel has no
interest in the family business. Magic Order is the first comic from the Netflix
deal and the plan is to create three or four comics a year. After the deal was
signed Millar came up with six ideas; three of which will be comic/movies and
the other three either TV shows or movies. His ultimate plan is to do some kind
of crossover with certain titles but that’s a project for the future. |