Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos created Jessica Jones back in 2001. She was
what is called a continuity implant since when we met her she had been a member
of Avengers and was working as a private detective who occasionally used her
powers. Bendis is gone but he knew who was working on a new Jessica Jones book.
But it wasn’t and isn’t a comic but a digital first series that will be released
as trade paperbacks after the end of each arc. The digital series is from Kelly
Thompson and Mattia de Lullis as part of what is called Marvel Digital
Originals. The first arc of the series is called Blindspot and it has Jones
working with Elsa Bloodstone. The two don’t seem to have anything in common but
Thompson fought to get Bloodstone in the series. Blindspot also featured
Jessica’s husband Luke Cage, Misty Knight and introduced NYC police detectives
Cellino and McGill. The first arc is 100 pages which will be followed by a
standalone 20-page story that sets up the next arc. The accelerated publishing
schedule of Marvel Digital Originals means that there will be a break between
each arc to allow them to be finished. And for those that were wondering Bendis
asked Kelly Thompson to take over Jessica Jones before he left Marvel Comics.
The trade for the first arc will ship in October |