Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ board of governors approved several
changes to the annual Oscars show during their annual meeting. One of the new
things approved was a plan to shorten the show by not announcing some awards
during the actual telecast but during the commercials. Those awards will be
announced to the audience but not shown on TV in the same manner as the luncheon
the day before the show. The show will be limited to three hours due to the move
and it is something every producer of the show has asked for but never got. The
Academy also announced a new category called the Most Popular Film award. This
means a film that made a massive amount of money can still have a chance at
getting an award since a film in the new category can also be nominated as Best
Picture as well. And in 2020 the 92nd Oscars telecast will move to Sunday,
February 9, 2020, instead of the previously announced February 23. Since the
initial story broke it was revealed that ABC lobbed hard for the changes after
the lower ratings for this year’s show as far as live viewers were concerned. A
great deal of viewers like me watched the show on my DVR. |