The Spider-Man section of the Marvel Universe will
add a fair amount of new titles. January will bring Friendly Neighborhood
Spider-Man from All-New Wolverine’s Tom Taylor and Juann Cabal. The book will
show Peter Parker trying to balance his superhero life with his personal one.
Taylor says the series will introduce an all-new hero. In December we will get
Miles Morales: Spider-Man from Exiles’ Saladin Ahmed and Javier Garron. The
series will show Miles facing off against Rhino and his uncle Aaron, the Iron
Spider. December also brings a
Superior Spider-Man ongoing from Christos Gage and Mike Hawthorne. The series
has Otto Octavius now living in San Francisco teaching at Horizon University
under the assumed name Elliot Tolliver. In Amazing Spider-Man Nick Spencer says
Black Cat returns in #8, an arc that will introduce some new villains. He is
also hinting that Teresa will show up sooner or later. And for fans of Ben
Reilly things are not going to work out well for him. |