Wendig was going to write a five-issue limited series called Shadow of Vader for
Marvel starting in January. The limited series would have focused on how Darth
Vader is seen by various characters. The main Vader title is ending with #25.
The limited series was going to have a different artist each issue but Wendig
was pulled from the book and another as yet unannounced Star Wars project.
Wendig was taken off both projects due to his social media presence. According
to Wendig Marvel considered his tweets too political, vulgar and negative so
they decided they didn’t want to deal with the hassle. That was the main story
but Bethany Lacina, an Associate Professor of Political Science at the
University of Rochester, posted on Twitter a graph showing that a lot of the
negative reaction to the posts didn’t seem to come from real people. She found
that 20 percent of tweets about him were bots and 19 percent of the accounts
posting weren’t real people. Either way Marvel didn’t want to deal with the
fallout of him working on their books. |