Vanessa Bryant in U.S. District Court in Connecticut threw out all of the
Konstantine Kyros led-concussion lawsuits against WWE. The two key ones were the
remaining counts in the Vito LoGrasso and Evan Singleton cases. He also was
representing 53 different wrestlers including Joe Laurinaitis, Paul Orndorff,
Jimmy Snuka and many others. Bryant had been hard on Kyros for his complaints
being too long, having irrelevant or non-factual arguments and said she has told
him over and over to rewrite the complaints but when she saw the revised ones
they were the same. Bryant grew tired of asking him to do the same thing over
and over again. She also ruled that the complaints weren’t timely. All happened
past the five years of suffering the injuries he was suing for. It didn’t help
that almost all the wrestlers involved had been retired when the complaints were
first filed. |