was introduced in Incredible Hulk and the two have fought multiple times. In
2017 the scientists of the Weapon X program created a being that combined the
abilities of both in the form of Clayton Cortez, a former soldier. He broke free
from the program and his adventures as Hulkverine have been told in the Weapon H
series. That series was written by Greg Pak and during its run both Wolverine
and Bruce Banner were dead. That situation has changed and the two are out
looking for the man who has all their abilities. The story will be told in the
three issue Hulkverines limited series from Pak, Ario Anindito and Guiu
Villanova. Pak says the three have similarities and extreme differences so the
series will reflect that. #1 will focus on Weapon H and Banner, #2 will bring
Wolverine into the mix and #3 will have them all deal with the villains. Pak got
notes from Al Ewing about the Immortal Hulk and helped with the development of
the limited series. Pak also ran things by Charles Soule so he wouldn’t spoil
anything from the Return of Wolverine miniseries. When the series begins Clay
and his family are in a great place but the Leader shows up to spoil everything
and draw Clay into the story. Each issue of the series will be 30 pages.
It all begins with HULKVERINES #1 which ships with
two standard covers and is currently scheduled to arrive on New Comic
Wednesday-022019 with a $4.99 cover price. As always it will be
Alternate Reality "1st Day Sale" priced at 25% OFF ($3.75!) on
the 20th and 15% OFF for the rest of its first week of release ($4.20!) while
supplies last!