Posted: 021119 |
Featuring a Fail Safe Program for Gotham and an
Exploration of Gordon's Kid |
Batman Who Laughs #2 showed Batman dealing with the Joker toxin he was infected
with and discovering another dead Bruce Wayne. That revealed to Batman the
Batman Who Laugh’s ultimate plan and explained the presence of James Gordon Jr.
According to Scott Snyder James Jr. will be needed to help defeat the Batman Who
Laughs. In Snyder’s Black Mirror Detective Comics are we learned that he had
become a planner about how to poison Gotham and here he is being targeted due to
that knowledge. So in the series we will get a different take on James Jr. The
relationship between father and son will be explored. The issue revealed that
even though Batman is taking antidotes to the toxin but he only has a week left
to live while taking on the Batman Who Laughs. That will make him go darker that
he tends to go and make him understand what the Batman Who Laughs’ mind set is.
The limited series has revealed something called the Last Laugh program; a
fail-safe program for Gotham that would isolate Gotham from the rest of the
world. #4 will show Joker and Batman talk about the nature of their
relationship. #3 will bring in Penguin and the Iceberg Lounge and see the first
actual face off between Batman and the Grim Knight. It will also explain why
James Jr. is not in prison as well as contain a shock ending that sets up the
Grim Knight one-shot. |
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Alternate Reality, Incorporated
Source: Newsarama |