Posted: 032919 |
War of the Realms is Almost Upon Us, Here's what You
Need to Know |
Jason Aaron’s run on Thor will end with
the War of the Realms event. He and Russell Dauterman will do the main limited
series that started being set up in Thor: God of Thunder #13. Aaron and Ron
Garney reintroduced Malekith to Thor's world and since then the Dark Elf has
built up an alliance that has been taking down the worlds of Asgard save for
one-Midgard (aka Earth). Aaron says everything began as a huge Thor story but
then he took over Avengers so it became a Thor and Avengers story. But at a
Marvel editorial retreat VP Tom Brevoort asked, "Why don't we make this our next
event?" And from there the entire Marvel universe became involved. Aaron says
you don’t have to read his last six years on Thor to understand but the
escalation begins in the first issue of War of the Realms where we see monsters
show up in New York City. The story will take off to become Lord of the Rings
set in midtown Manhattan with Captain America riding a winged horse and other
Marvel heroes doing Thor stuff such as Daredevil gaining Heimdall's super
senses. Dauterman has been working on the limited series for a while so he is
expected to draw every issue.
It all begins with the six issue core mini-series WAR OF REALMS #1 which ships with
five standard covers and is currently scheduled to arrive on New Comic
Wednesday-040319 with a $5.99 cover price. As always it will be
Alternate Reality "1st Day Sale" priced at 25% OFF ($4.49!) on
the 3rd and 15% OFF for the rest of its first week of release ($5.10!) while
supplies last! |
Images © Copyright 2019 by their respective owners No rights given or implied by
Alternate Reality, Incorporated
Source: Various Sources |