Gaiman is very hopeful that Marvel will complete Miracleman. Marvel says the
comic will be officially released this year…Image Comics co-founder Erik Larsen
has announced that he will soon be returning to Marvel Comics for a few
short-term projects. The projects are three short assignments. 41 total
pages…Death's Head is set to return in a new limited series later this year from
Tini Howard and Kei Zama. He will be teamed with Wiccan and Hulkling…the end of
the year has a mystery event coming…Jane Foster, the new Valkyrie is getting an
ongoing from Jason Aaron and Al Ewing…the summer will bring on six Secret Warps
annuals…Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross are working on New Marvels one-shot…Mark Waid,
Javier Rodriguez and Alvaro Lopez are working on the six-issue The History of
the Marvel Universe…a new, five-issue Punisher: Kill Krew title from Gerry
Duggan and Juan Ferreyra launches this July from Marvel Comics. |