Posted: 090919 |
Writer Sina Grace Recounts the Trials and Tribulation
of His Iceman Run |
Sina Grace received a lot of publicity and
infamy for his run on Iceman, which explored the gay character's life in an
ongoing series. On his Tumblr account Grace detailed his issues with Marvel
Comics about the book behind the scenes. The post was meant to "discuss the
realities of creating queer pop culture in a hostile or ambivalent environment."
Grace posted that between Iceman’s cancellation and its revival, Marvel reached
out to him because they noticed threatening behavior on his Twitter account. He
stated that Marvel wanted him to send proof of the threats but when he talked to
an editor all he got was advice on his to handle trolls on line which is not
what Grace wanted to hear. He wanted Marvel to give him other work that would
prove he wasn’t just a diversity hire but aside from a six-page Wolverine story
Grace didn’t get anything else. He told of an editor that suggested that Iceman
wouldn't survive "if it were 'too gay'" and the book was likely to be cancelled
anyway as are most X-Men solo series. Grace wanted to talk to the New York Times
but when he did Marvel made it clear that all of his interview requests had to
be pre-approved and Marvel had to be able to read the piece first. The book did
end up being cancelled.
See Also... |

After House and Powers Ends, the Real work on the
X-Universe Begins |
Images © Copyright 2019 by their respective owners No rights given or implied by
Alternate Reality, Incorporated |
Source: Various Sources |