Posted: 111519 |
A Year and a Half Later, Rucka & Scott are
Bringing Black Magick Back |
Rucka and Nicola Scott's Black Magick is working towards a return to the racks.
The series went on hiatus back in May 2018 with #11. Scott and Rucka are halfway
through the next arc but the book will not return until they have enough issues
to maintain a monthly release schedule. Scott and Rucka have known each other
for 14 years well before she started working at DC. He was one of the writers at
the company who were trying to get her to draw one of his books. When he left DC
he mentioned doing creator-owned work and Black Magick was the book she wanted
to work on. The initial plan was for the book to go 30 issues but the story seen
in #6 means the book will go at least one issue past that. One of the major
reasons for the delay is Rucka’s Hollywood commitments so Scott has kept busy
doing other things while producing art for the title’s return. Three issues are
already in the can with the plan of doing two more to finish an arc. It is
expected that the book will take a three-month break before seeing the next arc.
The new are will take place six months after #11. When the arc begins Rowan and
Morgan will have been re-assigned partners and are not on speaking terms. The
pilot script for a TV adaptation is done and as of now no studio has connected
with the project.
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Source: Newsarama |