Kelly Thompson's Deadpool takes place against the backdrop of the inhabitants of
Monster Island being relocated to Staten Island. Yes, right in the middle of
New York where they will be governed by of all people, Deadpool. Thompson is joined on the book by Chris Bachalo. She says it is easier to write Deadpool
as a lead character instead of a supporting one because he tends to take over
the story. She decided to use the monsters of the Marvel Universe in her run
because they are cool and lends to exploration for Wade Wilson since to some he
is a monster. Now obviously New York isn’t happy that there are monsters living
so close but Thompson says that it will work out somehow even if the transition
will be rough. The title co-star's Elsa Bloodstone, who made perfect sense to
include since she and Wade are going to just hate each other. The first arc includes Captain America since he and Wade have a complicated past most of which
Wade doesn’t remember. Jeff the Land Shark from Thompson’s West Coast Avengers
run will show up as well as Wade has to deal with the new Kraven the Hunter, who
sees this new reality as the perfect hunting ground.
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