010520 |
As We Leave 4G and Enter 5G One Has to Ask if all This
Hasn't Gotten Overly Silly |
At the New York Comic Con the DC Universe Timeline was shown to
fans. The timeline lays out the full history of the DCU in a series of
generations. Generation 1 covers the first twenty-five years; Generation 2
covers the next fifteen years; Generation 3 follows the fifteen years after that
which leads us to the current Generation 4. What follows is what Bleeding Cool
has labeled 5G. The map showed that that Booster Gold knows what’s going on with
the new timeline and that Jonathan Kent aged when he went to the future with the
Legion of Super-Heroes instead of what was told in the arc that covered the
aging. 5G would relaunch a number of major DC Comics titles and place a new
character in the lead role. A number of creators would leave their current
titles and have Jonathan Kent take over as Superman, Luke Fox take over as
Batman (we would be told that Bruce was dead but instead would mentor Luke); we
would get a new Wonder Woman in January 2021 and so on. The transitions would be
smooth at times and rough in others. With the second Grant Morrison and Liam
Sharp Green Lantern limited series coming in February 2020 there are rumors that
Young Justice’s Teen Lantern would take over for Hal Jordan. The reason for the
original heroes being replaced hasn’t been even been hinted at but Scott Snyder
hasn’t been shy about something big coming.
Last Time... |

DC NEWS-123119
Princess Amethyst Returns Home to a World That Doesn't Know Her |
Images © Copyright 2020 by their respective owners No rights given or implied by
Alternate Reality, Incorporated
Source: Bleeding Cool |