"...you're watching another
version of Ghostbusters..." |
Rated PG-13
Director: Ivan Reitman
Screenwriters: Don Jakoby, rewrite by David Diamond and David
Cast: David Duchovny (Ira Kane), Orlando Jones (Harry Block),
Julianne Moore (Allison Reed), Seann William Scott (Wayne Green), Dan
Aykroyd (Governor of Arizona)
Running Time: 113 minutes
Released: June 22, 2001
Lawrence Evans
RECOMMENDED (** stars)
Lets begin with a history
lesson-this film was written as a drama by Jacoby and turned
into a comedy by the Family Man team of Diamond/Weissman. This
very fact is why the film isn't as good as it could have been.
The plot of Evolution is simple, a meteor from outer space crash
lands on Earth and the contents begin to evolve once exposed to
our atmosphere. This rock lands when American Pie's Scott is
practicing being a fireman out in the middle of the Arizona
desert. Local scientists Jones (who behaves like Bill Murray in
Ghostbusters) and his buddy Duchovny (who has connections with
the government he'd rather not talk about) investigate until
Moore (who works for the CDC) and military genius Levine take
things over. Of course, the two local boys know more than the
government pinheads but this won't come up until it's needed to
move the story along.
David Duchovny is along to make dead pan comments about the
proceedings. Jones is along to make smart remarks about
everything, lighten things up, screw everything that moves (a
subplot that is totally ignored) and get things stuck in his
butt. Scott, as always, is there to be totally goofy and
clueless. Moore's character is supposed to be funny because she
falls down and drops anything she's handed but the bit wears
thin after the first stumble. Levine is along to be the
government tightass and Ackroyd is there just to be himself.
As you sit through Evolution it begins to dawn on you that
you're watching another version of Ghostbusters (more like
Ghostbusters 2) with different actors. The Duchovny character is
Harold Ramis, Jones is Bill Murray (he is introduced discussing
a coed getting extra credit to improve her grade), Scott is Rick
Moranis (remember, this is more like G2), Moore is a combination
of Sigourney Weaver and Annie Potts, Levine is William Atherton
and Ackroyd is himself with a real job.
Evolution isn't as funny as Ghostbusters because it doesn't
really take any chances. It seems to be holding back for some
reason. The interpersonal relationships between the characters
works well but none are given much to work with. With the
possibility of us never seeing Ghostbusters 3 I think instead of
bringing in the Family Man team Reitman should have taken
whatever Ramis and Ackroyd had then funneled it into this film.
It would have been much funnier and probably wouldn't have died
at the box office last weekend. |
EVOLUTION © 2001 Montecito
Picture Company.
All Rights Reserved.
Review © 2003 Alternate Reality, Inc. |