Writer: Paul Jenkins Artist:  Paul Jenkins
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics,   Shipped On: 082102
MSRP: .$2.25 each (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
The crazed conclusion to the Green Goblin saga!
When Paul Jenkins said that he would give us a different take on the Parker/ Osborn relationship everyone wondered what he meant by that. Of the many possibilities I don't think anyone thought that it would involve pizza, a gun and conversations on what other names Norman could have called himself.
The four part "Death in the Family" arc began at a cemetery where Norman stood in the rain talking to his dead son Harry. Pete had a feeling that something terrible was about to happen and he was correct because Norman's plan was to end this once and for all. When #46 ended Peter and Norman were fighting in a warehouse (shades of Norman's first death and previous battles) presumably to the death; the fight continues here. Some writers would have just had the two fight it out then have the glider impale him like it did the first time around but Jenkins stops the fight and has the two just sit and talk it out. The conclusion is so out of left field that it resonates inside you as well as the combatants.

After the meeting of the minds Jenkins and artist Humberto Ramos leave the comic book world and join the real one where there are no costumes, just choices. The two will continue on from this point but the final page by Ramos shows you how much that costs one of the characters.
Writer: Chuck Austin  Artist:  Daniel Zezelj
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics,   Shipped On: 082102
MSRP: .$2.25 each (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
Marvel continues its big launch of 2002 with a new miniseries exploring the lives of New York City's EMS! What's it like to drive a speeding ambulance through the crowded concrete canyons of Marvel's Big Apple? THE CALL is coming in December, and this four-issue series -- featuring art by Daniel Zezelj (CAPTAIN AMERICA: DEAD MAN RUNNING) -- sets the stage!
The third and final mini-series that will serve to set up the regular Call series will involve EMS paramedic Jennifer Montez and her encounter with the little blonde girl carrying dire predictions.
We have seen Montez before in the first Call mini-series and here she is reacquainted with the fireman she helped then. None of the characters have discussed meeting the little girl but her words apparently weighed heavy on their minds because what she has told them hasn't happened yet.
Writer Chuck Austen has created a believable world for his people to live in. Paramedics tend to go from scene to scene and deal with what ever they find in a different way each time due to the environment. Montez is an attractive woman, happily married, hit on all the time and leading a normal life until she sees the little girl and things start to change.

Congo Bill artist Daniel Zelzej's art is much clearer here than in his Captain America mini-series. Some may find his art quirky but it's highly detailed and quite stunning. I believe that he will be the artist for the regular series but I could be wrong. Marvel couldn't do much better.
  POINT BLANK #1 (Of 5)
Writer: Ed Brubaker  Artist:  Colin Wilson
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: DC/Wildstorm  Shipped On: 081402
MSRP: .$2.95 each (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
Have you ever had something on the edge of your thoughts but couldn't recall it? That's the problem facing Cole Cash - a.k.a. Grifter of the WildCats. After being summoned by his old Team 7 associate and legendary IO spook John Lynch, Cole is ensnared in a deadly game of cat and mouse. Whom the perpetrators work for and what their ultimate goals are become the least of Grifter's concern's after Lynch falls victim to a vicious attack that leaves him at death's door.
First off, this title like most of the Eye of the Storm launches has two covers and neither is more valuable then the other so don’t go insane trying to load up on one cover and try to send your kids to college.

This mini-series was announced at last year’s San Diego con along with a follow up called Sleepers and both involve members of Wildcats. This mini involves Grifter who is given an assignment by former partner John Lynch. The mission is sort of complicated and can get Grifter killed but since he is the honorable type he chooses to continue on.

Writer Ed Brubaker is basically a crime author so he has no problem establishing the scene and involving us in a world of less than pleasant people. Why he even includes a text piece at the end that tells us where this story fits in continuity wise and how it will lead into the Sean Phillips drawn Sleepers which ships in December.
The artist here is England’s own Colin Wilson and this is one of the first major projects he’s done here in the States. His pencils are reminiscent of 100 Bullets Eduardo Risso but a bit grungier.
Writer: Geoff Johns   Artist:  Ivan Reis
Review By: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Publisher: Marvel Comics,   Shipped On: 081402
MSRP: .$2.99 each (15% OFF during it's 1st Week of release only at Alternate Reality!)
Straight from the pages of AVENGERS, the sensational synthezoid sails into the spotlight in this all-new, four-part miniseries!
New Avengers writer Geoff Johns has stated in interviews that he wants to return the Vision to his original scary roots. When Roy Thomas first introduced the character he was the instrument of death created by Ultron- not a villain exactly but a machine sent to destroy the Avengers. Much later Thomas revealed to us that Vision was really another incarnation of the original Human Torch and that his brain patterns were actually Wonder Man's.

You can tell from reading this issue that Johns was a fan of all that and his enthusiasm shines through in this story which begins in 1939 at the World's Fair. Torch creator Professor Horton chose then to debut his newest android that was powered by a solar gem. After this debut the gem is stolen by a Nazi for reasons to be explained in future issues because Johns then brings us to the present to introduce a kid living in Queens. This kid is a computer whiz and he ends up at the site of the Fair where he encounters the Vision or should I say the first Vision?

Johns wonderfully sets up a mystery that is accompanied by some excellent art by Ivan Reis. Reis was the guy picked to finish the Bryan Hitch She Hulk/ Thing project due to their similar art styles. He was great there and he's great here.

All Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2002 by their respective owners. No rights given or implied by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.

Reviews © 2009 Alternate Reality, Inc.



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