"These reviews are based on the Sneak Peek titles sent out by Marvel & DC. It's not everything that's shipping for the week, but it is a real good cross-section of this weeks releases. Check the bottom of the page (after you read my reviews) for a link to some SNEAKY PEEKIES of future titles"
Comic Review by:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Writer: Will Pfeiffer,  Artist: David Lopez

When last we left Selina Kyle she had killed Black Mask and was being sucked into a vortex that showed some of the many variations of Catwoman seen since the characters creation. When we begin Selina is telling us that she no longer lives in the East End but dwells now in downtown Gotham City. Oh, yes she is also having her baby while she gets us all comfy with her story. We see that she is using a new name and as we turn the page we see that there is someone else in the Catwoman outfit but right away see that the newest version is a bit on the shaky side. It isn’t a huge leap that Holly is the new model but her inexperience is very apparent and Pfeiffer does a careful job showing that she is going to have some major problems not getting herself killed while on the job. We meet Slam Bradley (who has great dialogue here) and get acquainted with the newest threat to the Cat and some of Gotham’s finest before Batman appears with gifts and many questions. We, the reader, also have a question since the two possible fathers for little Helena (yes, she is named after the Huntress who was the daughter of Selina and Bruce on Earth-2) both appear here. I am willing to bet that it isn’t Bruce because that would be so obvious and naming the baby Helena is too cute by half. Fallen Angel’s David Lopez is the new artist here and his style has improved since his days on that title. As the issue ends Holly is in a bad situation that could end u with her being really hurt and if anything fans will come back to see her growing pains while wondering who Helena’s dad is.

MSRP: $2.50
Alternate Reality Price: $2.15 (That's 15% OFF, All This Week!)
Comic Review by: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Mark Waid, Artist: Barry Kitson

As the cover and the title shows Supergirl has made it to the 30th Century during OYL and when it is all said and done the last thing we read is a huge surprise that Waid should have lots of fun with. We begin with a concerned citizen who has issues with folks in costumes creating disturbances in front of his house and his ranting and raving lead us to discover that the status of the team has changed somewhat since the last time we saw this book. The beginning has nothing much to do with the situation that envelops the book but it is entertaining as all get out. The major portion of the issue is the object flashing thru the solar system and heading towards Earth. The team is reminded of its new status and shown a slower version of the object that has a familiar symbol inside it. Needless to say the object is moving faster and faster so certain team members go off into space to try to stop it and more strange things happen before we see that Supergirl was inside the object. She saves a few lives and appears in the square to the shock and amazement of the citizens who are in the plaza. Her appearance is a bit unusual and there are lots of questions including the big one about whether she is who she appears to be and that leads us to her answer. Now that answer leads to something totally unexpected and guaranteed to bring readers back for more since it raises even more questions. Waid does a successful job of establishing the differences about the team after the time jump and Barry Kitson’s art has never looked better.

MSRP: $2.99
Alternate Reality Price: $2.54 (That's 15% OFF, All This Week!)
Daredevil #83: Last issue ended with the shanking death of Foggy Nelson as he visited Matt Murdock in jail and we begin here at the funeral. We see here that Matt has adjusted somewhat to being in prison and that appears to be very bad news for the folks inside with him. The person wearing the Daredevil costume discovers someone seen last issue and the book is in extremely good hands with the team of Brubaker and Lark. The pencils are tight and the story even more so…Amazing Spiderman #530: The second step on the road to Civil War is the first fruit of the Top Cow/Marvel arrangement since it is drawn by Cyberforce’s Tyler Kirkham. We see more features of the new costume (including one that should shut some fans up) and follow Tony Stark and Peter Parker to Washington where JMS shows that the choice of sides isn’t as black and white as it seems. For the first time we learn how much property damage has been done to the Marvel Universe and other stunning statistics before an old Iron Man villain arrives to give Peter a chance to try out his shiny suit some more…Incredible Hulk #93 introduces more people for Hulk to smash while showing the beginnings of a team that will probably come to Earth and make some serious damage to the folks that put Bruce in a ship to nowhere…Ares #3 has more violence in it that you can stand and looks incredibly pretty showing it…Captain America #16 has a shock ending as well as some naked mattress dancing between Cap and Sharon Carter.

Manhunter #20 is the first OYL story of the cult title shows that Mr.Bones has gone thru a major change (and I do mean major) while Kate Spencer deals with her triple lives as a superhero, mom and prosecutor. She has accepted that she is a heroine and at the end of the issue we see where Dr. Psycho ended up after the Crisis. The story is smoother than the art, which has an overtly smooth look to it…Sgt. Rock #3 carries on the story of Easy Co. moving across enemy lines to save a valuable cargo… the Leonardo Manco art in Hellblazer makes the Denise Mina story scarier than it needs to be. The Scottish writer shows a good affinity for the character and should be allowed to continue on the title.
"See, I told you I'd be down here. We've got a bunch of SNEAKY PEEKIES of future MARVEL, DC and IMAGE titles right HERE"

All Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2006 by their respective owners. No rights given or implied by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.

Reviews © 2006 Alternate Reality, Inc.