"These reviews are based on the Sneak Peek
titles sent out by Marvel & DC. It's not everything that's shipping for
the week, but it is a real good cross-section of this weeks releases. Check the
bottom of the page (after you read my reviews) for a link to some SNEAKY PEEKIES
of future titles" |
Comic Review by:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis, Artist: Alex
The book that truly launches Civil War ships this week and
it’s a stunner of epic proportions. We begin with the first
meeting of what has been dubbed the Illuminati. The members
at the start are: Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Charles Xavier,
Reed Richards, Black Bolt, Namor and at the beginning Black
Panther. Their first gathering is in Wakanda right after the
end of the Kree/Skrull War. It was Iron Man who proposed
that the men here combine resources and try to avoid such
attacks in the future and right away there are problems.
Bendis uses Namor to say what needs to be said and if you
ever thought he was a pain before here he turns it way up to
fifteen. We also see why the Panther isn’t part because he
alone is the one to see the future. The first thing the
group discuses is the island that made necessary the forming
of the new X-Men team before we move to last month when the
Hulk was going wild in Vegas. We hear what the carnage total
was in his rampage and are posed with a question that adds
another layer to the upcoming battle. The events leading up
to the Hulk being shot off into space make things even
tenser if that is possible (and serves as the action portion
of the issue) before the final domino is loaded up prior to
the stack collapsing in a spectacular fashion. Tony has with
him a copy of the Super Hero Registration Act and in a
sequence that chills and fascinates he explains why the
heroes should accept it while explaining why he can do the
things he does. It is that speech that leads us to uncharted
territory and has us waiting for the events of Civil War #1.
This book makes you think and some will complain that there
isn’t enough action but since this is a primer and not the
battle itself read it and understand where it is going.
There are sequences here that are drawn by Maleev that
occasionally take your breath away (Namor’s reactions,
reflections in the Iron Man helmet, the simple words of
Doctor Strange when he announces his viewpoint) and add
greatly to the story. Expect a sellout so get here early.
MSRP: $3.99,
1st DAY SALE Price: $2.39 (That's 40% OFF,
Wednesday Only!)
Alternate Reality Price: $3.39 (That's 15% OFF, All
This Week!) |
FOUR #536
Comic Review by:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
J.Michael Straczynski, Artist:
Mike McKone
As we see on the cover a certain hammer has reappeared in the Marvel Universe
and this marker on the Road to Civil War shows us how it gets there. We start
six months before when the hammer is barreling thru space at an incredible rate
of speed and for some reason is heading towards a barren part of Oklahoma (which
would be the state) while bypassing a plane (hmmm wonder what happens to the
passengers?). We jump to the present on the night after the final meeting of the
Illuminati and see that Reed is trying to enjoy a sandwich when the elements of
the meeting and the falling to Earth cross into his path of ideas. The object
has landed and for some reason the area is under attack by a massive amount of
Doombots who want what’s inside a research facility. Now Reed and crew don’t
know what’s inside but we and a certain armored guy do so we happily follow
along to the final page that shows the hammer and the man who is after it,
Victor Von Doom. But, you ask wasn’t Doom trapped in Hell? Yep, so we are left
with the mystery of how he got out (you can check this week’s news for a hint),
why the hammer is there, what happened to the plane the hammer intersected and
wonder when Reed is going to tell the rest of the team what he and Tony Stark
have decided. There is some great banter between Ben and Johnny here (and Ben’s
reaction to going to Oklahoma is priceless) and Doom’s entrance is so typical
Doom that this book is going to sell out huge so reserve a copy if you can.
MSRP: $2.99
Alternate Reality Price:
$2.54 (That's 15% OFF, All This Week!) |
Captain America 65th Anniversary Special Edition writer Ed Brubaker brings in
Javier Pulido and Marcos Martin (who will draw the Doctor Strange limited
series) to tell us a tale about Cap, Bucky, Nick Fury and Dum Dum Dugan as well
as tossing us some giant robot action in this hyper-cool issue. Here we see that
Bucky was a bit reckless and so when he gets shot the story divides before
hooking back together in what you could call a rip-roaring adventure for the
ages. The art styles are dissimilar but the blend works well for this
extra-sized special….PSI Force #1 Is the final New Universe recap book before
Warren Ellis turns it all on its head involves one of the moderately
entertaining concepts of the run-the collective hero Psi-Force. The hero was end
result of all the minds of a group of teens collected by a rogue government
agent who was protecting them for the very people he had worked for. All of the
kids had psychic powers but when they were really screwed (and that happened a
lot) then their thoughts created an American Indian mega hero that always saved
the day. Tony Bedard and Russell Braun show us here where the kids ended up
after the New Universe was put out of its misery and we are introduced to the
brother of the rogue here but this only serves as a reminder of what the book
was so interest should be rather low...Arana may be gone but the Spider-Man/Arana
special teams the young heroine with Peter again and gives us a rundown of what
has gone on before in case Marvel wants to try the book again. If you were
entertained by the title during its run this should give you closure…Books of
Doom #5 marks the beginning of his ride to total power and shows us more aspects
of one of comics’ more interesting characters. Here he shows cunning and
patience before dropping the boom on the man who has run his mother county into
the ground…there are a mess of battles inside the pages of Uncanny X-Men #471
that involve everyone and everything. It’s the adrenaline book of the week,
Warlord #2 features the Bruce Jones/Bart Sears cancellation special continues
here with the fight we were left with last issue and further development of the
elements introduced last issue. We see Travis’ fiancée begin her search for her
missing man, more political intrigue and that symbol seen last issue arrives in
a place that makes the residents of the region gasp when they see it around
Travis’ neck. The story moves along quite nicely but Sears continues using this
heavy ink style that only serves to give the book a muddy look. When He has let
go by Marvel and arrived in Florida to work for the initially promising Cross
Gen he had modified his style and became the guy who made a great impact with
his debut. He needs to go back to that style because this new one is a definite
turnoff…somehow the case Batman is involved in during Legends of the Dark Knight
#202 has him encountering Law and Order characters Jerry Orbach and Jesse Martin
in an arc written by Christos Gage who happens to work on the show …Lucifer
marks another step on its extremely slow ride to cancellation |
"See, I told you I'd be
down here. We've got a bunch of SNEAKY PEEKIES of future
MARVEL, DC and IMAGE titles right
Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2006
by their respective owners. No rights given or implied
by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.
Reviews © 2006 Alternate Reality, Inc. |