"These reviews are based on the Sneak Peek
titles sent out by Marvel, DC & Image. It's not everything that's shipping for
the week, but it is a real good cross-section of this weeks releases. Check the
bottom of the page (after you read my reviews) for a link to some SNEAKY PEEKIES
of future titles" |
Comic Review by:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Writer: Daniel Way, Artist: Steve Dillon
The second Wolverine title begins this week and it shows
that Logan is much more dangerous to certain people than we
thought. He is back in his brown costume here and the bulk
of the issue is a cat and mouse game with SHIELD in the
middle of Logan’s need to have a friendly chat with a member
of the President’s staff. Way and Dillon tell the story
slowly so that we can get a sort of hint of what is going on
and add another piece to Logan’s life before bringing back a
villain not seen since Frank Miller was on Daredevil. Here
we see that Logan has intimate knowledge of the inside of
the White House and that he is pretty good with a sword.
This title will focus on some but not all of the knowledge
that was bestowed on the Canadian at the end of House of M
so that learning doesn’t distract on his regular adventures.
The title should make perfect use of the particular talents
of Dillon because Logan has all the traits that Dillon is
good at showing. He’s tense, efficient, grim and when need
be capable of destructive action. Dillon is best with this
type of character and unsuited for team books. This issue
also has the second most striking cover of the week next to
the Bite Club offering.
MSRP: $2.99,
1st DAY SALE Price: $1.79 (That's 40% OFF,
Wednesday Only!)
Alternate Reality Price: $2.54 (That's 15% OFF, All
This Week!) |
NOVA #1 (of 4)
Comic Review by:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Writer:Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, Artist:
Kev Walker
Four days have passed since Nova became the last of his kind and here he wakes
up in bad shape but with the computer that runs Zandar talking to him and
suggesting something that isn’t really a high priority for him. One of the main
things that this event is supposed to accomplish is the upgrade in importance to
each of the subjects of the limited series that support it and here we see that
Nova is moving farther away from the ‘Green Lantern clone’ status that some have
suggested he had. Former Legion writers Abnett and Lanning add layers to the
character upgrade his abilities and instill a sense of tragedy that could make
the character a lot more interesting as well as a lot less flippant (which gave
fans a Spider-Man feel but didn’t fit a cosmic hero). They do know their Nova
continuity as well. Drax and his little friend pop up at the end to begin
connecting the main players in the major game. Kev Walker began his career in
England as like most he has taken a shot at Judge Dredd but when he worked on
Exiles you didn’t really see that-here you can see how he handled the character.
MSRP: $2.99,
1st DAY SALE Price: $1.79 (That's 40% OFF,
Wednesday Only!)
Alternate Reality Price: $2.54 (That's 15% OFF, All
This Week!) |
CLUB: VCU #1 (of 4)
Comic Review by:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Howard Chaykin/David Tischman, Artist:
David Hahn
The folks from Bite Club return here (as does cover artist Frank Quitely) with
the tale about the police unit that covers crime in the vampire community. The
lines of demarcation between crime families, vampires and humans are still
intact but that doesn’t mean that vampires aren’t supposed to die like everyone
else. Here we begin things with an amazingly brutal crime scene that is quite
hurl worthy and that sets the mood for the rest of the issue. The writers dance
us from one tightly written scene to another while leaving us trying to catch up
to the stories behind the stories but follow the basic rule of police
procedurals-keep the story moving and give the audience what they need while
holding on tightly to what they want. There is a lot going on in this book so
make sure you give it your full attention. Hahn has the perfect style for this.
He loves shadows and mood so he fills each page with half looks and angles that
enhance the story. There is a major amount of nudity here (as well as realistic
language) so if you are the weak willed type then pass this book on by and pick
up something gentle like the Power Pack book that also ships this week.
MSRP: $2.99
Alternate Reality Price:
$2.54 (That's 15% OFF, All This Week!) |
MAN #7
Comic Review by:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Daniel and Charlie Knauf, Artist:
Patrick Zircher
The monthly (yes I said monthly) adventures of Iron Man resume with the debut
issue of the new team of Knauf, Knauf and Zircher. As fans of the Ellis/Granov
arc know Tony has experienced a major upgrade and is more connected to his armor
than ever and here we see that that may or not have been a good thing. The
Knauf’s introduce a series of events that precede the first appearance of Iron
Man that result in violent and smoky death before having Tony enter in the
middle of a fight with the Crimson Dynamo. The fight shows just how much more
powerful Tony is and also shows a personality change that isn’t good at all. His
method of defeating the Dynamo is a bit ‘different’ and leads to an appearance
of Luke Cage and Captain America that gives us a harbinger of Civil War. We also
get a Nick Fury sighting as well as a hint of future badness before the next
victim in the murder parade is chosen by the shadowy game players. This is a
wonderful story and reminds me a lot of the David Michelinie days but with the
added push of modern day spy fiction. The new writing team has signed on for at
least a year and from reading their first issue I think their run is going to be
much longer than that. I have always been a fan of Zircher and this may become
the book that pushes him higher up the food chain.
MSRP: $2.99
Alternate Reality Price:
$2.54 (That's 15% OFF, All This Week!) |
Captain America #17 finally reveals why Steve Rogers has never been hit with
bullets and ties the Crossbones/Sin arc in with what has gone on
before…Daredevil #84 somehow things get worse for Matt Murdock and everyone he
is in prison with…Nextwave #4 continues the controlled insanity that has made
the book hot and tells the bizarre origin of the Captain which proves you can’t
just give super powers to anyone…X-Men #185 continues the results of last issue
where the team discovered that Gambit became one of the Four Horsemen (and no,
he isn’t the Arn Anderson of the group). The issue is mostly a non stop fight
with a few changes to what we have seen before (with a few shocks at the end)
and is the next to last issue for the Milligan/Larroca team. Larocca is going to
change his style after this run which is good because his doing everything has
really taken away from his art.
Justice #5 is beautiful and filled with iconic moments that really wish the
thing would come out monthly. The dialogue is dead on to keep pace with the
art…Man Bat #1 was one of the first things planned when Bruce Jones signed on at
DC and here he begins things with a dark, subtle mystery story with lots of
death and appearances by Hush and Batman. The Coffin’s Mike Huddleston does the
art here and he gives the book the gloomy tone that it deserves…Manhunter #21
spends most of its time in court where Kate has to defend Dr. Psycho (with a
witness on the stand in full costume which couldn’t happen even in fantasy
land). Writer Mark Andreyko also introduces future elements in an issue that
doesn’t drag at all |
"See, I told you I'd be
down here. We've got a bunch of SNEAKY PEEKIES of future
MARVEL, DC and IMAGE titles right
Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2006
by their respective owners. No rights given or implied
by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.
Reviews © 2006 Alternate Reality, Inc. |