"These reviews are based on the Sneak Peek titles sent out by Marvel, DC & Image. It's not everything that's shipping for the week, but it is a real good cross-section of this weeks releases. Check the bottom of the page (after you read my reviews) for a link to some SNEAKY PEEKIES of future titles"
Comic Review by: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Writer: Jimmy Palmiotti/Justin Grey,  Artist: Daniel Acuna
This limited series comes out of the Battle for Bludhaven and is by the same team. During the Crisis the original team of the Freedom Fighters got killed so here we see the first adventure of the new team who happen to be operatives of the government agency, Shade. The writers start things out with a political speech (by a Senator who isn’t happy about the superhero community) as the team takes out a drug lord. After the warning that Uncle Sam is coming (by way of Firebrand interrupting the speech) the writers step back and introduce the individual members of the team so as to let newcomers into their universe fresh. We see who the new Ray is, learn the history of Doll Man, see Phantom Lady at a party and see that she may look like eye candy but has a brain as well then see the master plan on Father Time as far as a certain senator is concerned. This new team also includes the new Human Bomb and his participation seems like it will do wonders for the team since no one knows if he will kill everyone by accident or not. We see the person the team will be responsible for and if you didn’t know who I am referring to then look back at the title and realize I didn’t mention him. This is another book that was suggested by Grant Morrison and it doesn’t have a weirdness factor so he must be taking his meds. Now the question that always comes up with limited series is: would this book work as a regular title? I enjoyed the issue but would have to say no due to the fact that the DCU has enough teams as it is and it would make more sense to take the members here and place them in the new Checkmate title.

MSRP: $2.99,
1st DAY SALE Price: $1.79 (That's 40% OFF, Wednesday Only!)
Alternate Reality Price:
$2.54 (That's 15% OFF, All This Week!)
Comic Review by: Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Richard Starkings,  Artist: Moritat
The character Hip Flask was initially created as an ad to sell fonts to comic companies to use but somehow Richard Starkings got it into his head to make a comic abut the hippo detective. Generally drawn by Ladronn the books come at long intervals but somehow it was decided to let other take a shot at the world that Flask dwells in and here this week we see the first issue of a regular series from Image. The main story is called ‘See the Elephant’ and involves the budding friendship between one of the other creations of the mad doctor Nikken, Ebony. He is standing outside an adult establishment when he encounters a friendly little girl who wants to know more about him. As she talks to him we see moments in his past and see that his life hasn’t been that great (and get evidence that parts of the world hates him and his kind) but Starkings shows us that things may not be that bad. The flip side of the book has a shorter story but it us effective as well. Also included are a few text pieces about the artist Ladronn and science fiction stories. I would assume that Moritat is a foreign artist that the creator discovered and he is just as good as Ladronn would have been here as well as probably faster.

MSRP: $2.99,
1st DAY SALE Price: $1.79 (That's 40% OFF, Wednesday Only!)
Alternate Reality Price:
$2.54 (That's 15% OFF, All This Week!)
Annihilation: Nova #4 ends that limited series and continues the building of a relationship between Richard and the Worldmind inside his helmet. We begin with this massive action sequence drawn to perfection by Kev Walker and continue to the death of a hero and the movement to make Nova a big deal has its beginnings…Daughters of the Dragon #6 finishes that series also. The issue is just one fight after another but is fun in the same manner that the 70’s blaxploitation films were…Marvel Adventures. Avengers #3 is more fun for kids but is very readable for adults as well…Bill Sienkiewicz draws X-Men: Fairy Tales #3 and he assists in telling a Sleeping Beauty tale involving Cyclops, Wolverine and Phoenix. This version is a bit more violent and tells a deeper love story. The art is very effective…Mighty Marvel Western: Western Legends tells three stories as well as the Jack Kirby drawn origin of the Rawhide Kid. Jeff Parker and Tomm Coker tell the story of the man called Hurricane and his female companion Little Cloud. He carries a lot of guns and when threatened he truly is the fastest gun in the West. Fred van Lente and Homs follow him with snappy little story about the man from Fort Rango and his path of revenge. We finish things up with a Red Wolf story from Karl Kesel and Carmine diGiandomenico that is so well drawn it takes your breath away…She Hulk #9 ties into the Peter Parker secret identity reveal and the aftermath of her marriage to John Jameson. We actually get two stories here with Paul Smith doing the first half and Ron Frenz showing us dinner at the Jameson house. The second story is hilarious…Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #10 concludes the ‘return’ of Uncle Ben and explains all the time paradoxes before ending literally with a bang that shows that the story is far from over…the cover for Uncanny X-Men #476 will draw you towards it but the story will keep you involved. We see here where the team gets their spaceship from (and there is a Civil War component here) and who the last member is before they all go off into space and realize that Vulcan is way ahead of them.

Claw, the Unconquered #2 is more of the same but with extra helpings of violence. We meet another regular here and see that the separated Claw from the limited series has gotten a whole lot better…Testament #8 begins a new arc and marks the return of Liam Sharp to the title. We do get a greater sense of the forces that the underground is hiding from here but I still have doubts this book lasts more than 12 issues…Bite Club: VCU #4 continues its path to being one of the best limited series out this year and aside from being loaded with harsh language, lots of blood and characters that we should hate but don’t its great…Hellblazer #222 concludes Denise Mina’s first arc (yes it appears that she will be around for a while) and the last pages show she has a perfect understanding of the character.

Top Cow sends out Witchblade: Bearers of the Blade this week to pimp the upcoming #100 and it’s a poster book showing us everyone who has had the Blade and everyone that is going to. The book is pretty but is for hardcore fans only…Ant #7 bears another cover of the heroine pointing to her massive ass and the interior has her fighting another variation of Captain Cold…Casanova #2 continues the adventures of our hero and has a shock ending that adds another player to his family tree. The art is cool and the story hip as all get out…Girls #15 deals with the consequences of Kenny having sex with one of the captive Girls as far as the rest of the camp goes. The army is still watching the camp and more sex happens. We do learn things we didn’t know before and the last page suggests things will get worse before they get better.
"See, I told you I'd be down here. We've got a bunch of SNEAKY PEEKIES of future MARVEL, DC and IMAGE titles right HERE"

All Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2006 by their respective owners. No rights given or implied by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.

Reviews © 2006 Alternate Reality, Inc.