"These reviews are based on the Sneak Peek titles sent out by Marvel, DC & Image. It's not everything that's shipping for the week, but it is a real good cross-section of this weeks releases. Check the bottom of the page (after you read my reviews) for a link to some SNEAKY PEEKIES of future titles"
Hellblazer #223 is a rest issue between arcs that is drawn by Christiano Cucina to a decent effect. The single issue involves ghosts, people annoyed with John (which would be folks who are on the dead sides of life) and him getting out of situations that most people would pause at…Rokkin #2 has more of the same but doesn’t introduce a sexy wench until the last page. We are still in semi-setup mode here and learning all the players before getting into the actual game. Between this and Claw this sword and sorcery book has a better chance of survival…Ion #5 (of 12) has the reunion between Hal and Kyle as well as a lot of space fighting as Hal is wondering if Kyle is okay. The two work together very well and the interaction between the two is well written by Ron Marz. The Greg Tocchini art continues to improve…Catwoman #58 has Selina, Holly and Zatanna all hang out and have some fun. We are still dealing with the fact that before One Year Later started Selina killed the Black Mask and at this point its time to wrap that angle up. The sins of Zatanna’s past are mentioned here in an encounter with a villain and Holly’s love life seems to be going thru a turn even though she looks to be the one blamed for murder. We also get a dead guy walking to solve a crime…Deadman #1 doesn’t involve Boston Brand or the circus so I wonder just who the audience for this book is. Bruce Jones and John Watkiss team up here to tell the story of two brothers who die in a plane crash but somehow aren’t totally dead. The Deadman in question is Brandon Cayce (named after the author Cayce I presume) and here he tries to process all this as his brother takes him along memory lane before he gets up and starts walking around. There is an attempt here to make this more realistic and use actual science but sometimes you need to just leave things alone. Watkiss last worked on the underappreciated Trigger and while he is damn good the total disconnect between what we are used to with Deadman and what we see here suggests the book is not long for this Earth.


Sensational Spider-Man #29 starts a new arc that will bring back a number of villains who are salivating at the fact that they know who Peter Parker is. We start with the retired Molten Man at a ball game being threatened by Chameleon and from there the threat increases. I found the story cool but the Angel Medina art is becoming a major negative for me since it is so inconsistent…MA: The Avengers #4 has the team take on the Masters of Evil during a week where Marvel announced they were working on a live action Avengers movie…Mighty Marvel Western: Strange Westerns carries a great story by Steve Engelhart and Marshall Rogers about the Black Rider that has our hero return home to danger. We get a history lesson here on the Rider and the story just flows nicely. Our second tale involves the man called Gunhawk in a casual tale involving him going into a town and getting into a fight as was his custom. There are also two Jack Kirby tales included as well…Ghost Rider #2 shows Johnny Blaze on his first day out of Hell and seeing that he wasn’t the only thing that escaped. We see him on the road and being picked up by a fan that takes him to a diner where he sees his unintended traveling companion before a certain Master of the Mystic Arts shows up to see what is going on…Runaways #19 follows the death of Gert and the reactions of each member to that while showing that death has no change on their legal status. There is something destroying all the Starbuck’s in LA and the kids go on a joy ride…Nextwave #7 has the team not reveling in the fact that General Anger has been defeated (we see how he is reacting to that here and its not pretty, just strange) as they move on to their next adventure which involves the Mindless Ones. We find out how many names the Captain had before just calling himself that, learn just how many members hit on Monica when he was an Avenger and spend a lot of time giggling at the jokes…Iron Man #11 answers a whole lot of questions and show us what would happen if Tony and the Sentry had a fight. We learn here just who is behind the whole thing and why in a series of tense sequences before being left at a moment that is going to involve a lot of Iron Man outfits being destroyed next issue with the end of this arc. There are a fair amount of Avengers here as well.

Phonogram #1 (of 6) is a black and white book that Image is launching this week in an attempt to create a book that few will buy. The main characters are on the cover and the story involves our hero, David Kohl and the women of his life, some of which are human. The book reminds me a lot of Paradigm, another well written Image book that was complicated as hell and entertaining at the same time. The problem here is that the book is black and white but carries a price tag of $3.50 which will scare a lot of people off even though this is a sort of small week…Girls #16 deals with the aftermath of the lack of affect the government’s bombs had on the domed area the cast is in. Big decisions are made here and the violence level increases as does the understanding that there may be no escape from where they are…Casanova #3 is another great issue with sex and family bonding done in an unusual way. We are still handling the new life our hero finds himself in and as he copes he seems to still get lucky even as more of his family members come to the forefront and back to life…Ant #8 ends with what you see on the cover but before we get there we go to a strip club and see as much skin as comics will allow. The art is the selling point here because Mario Gully is a dam good artist but the story still does nothing for me…Retro Rocket #3 is more of the same but slightly more entertaining due to the fact that most of the issue makes the alien threat more understandable…Shadowhawk #14 has Eddie in his new costume and meeting another super powered person who wonders if he is cute under that helmet.
"See, I told you I'd be down here. We've got a bunch of SNEAKY PEEKIES of future MARVEL, DC and IMAGE titles right HERE"

All Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2006 by their respective owners. No rights given or implied by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.

Reviews © 2006 Alternate Reality, Inc.