"These reviews are based on the Sneak Peek titles sent out by Marvel & Image (DC no longer sends them out). It's not everything that's shipping for the week, but it is a real good cross-section of this weeks releases. Check the bottom of the page (after you read my reviews) for a link to some SNEAKY PEEKIES of future titles"
Comic Review by:
Larry "Bocepheus" Evans
Writer: Brian Bendis & Brian Reed,  Artist: Jim Cheung
New Avengers: Illuminati #1 (of 5) takes us back to the days of the Kree/Skrull war at a point after the war’s conclusion. We witness the telling to the Skrull Emperor that ‘human’ Rick Jones was responsible for the defeat of the empire and naturally, he isn’t happy about that. If you remember the conclusion of the series Rick was able to channel and release historical Marvel heroes from his mind. By doing so Earth was able make both sides back off but we never knew why the Earth was left alone by either galactic enemies. We see here how the ‘team’ of Tony Stark and company laid out the warning to never attack Earth of even come near us with their problems then see the show of force needed to convince the Skrulls to back off. The Kree were apparently not considered a threat because up to that point they were considered friendly to Earth or that the least stayed the heck away from us. Co-writers Brian Bendis and Brian Reed show the team in action in a stunning sequence of pages drawn by Jim Cheung. The battle sequences show that if the group ever decided to meet and form an actual public alliance that very few would be able to oppose them but in the end the team gets captured. The writers go retro by showing the captured team in a combination of traps that would only work on them but then showing them escaping. The first time I had seen something like this was in an old Fantastic Four story involving Doctor Doom but there was also a Jim Shooter Legion story that used the same idea. The escape isn’t the end of the story because there was information learned by the Skrulls that will become of use in the last issue. Following issues will drop in on other times that the Illuminati got together and dealt with major issues in Marvel history.

MSRP: $2.99,
1st DAY SALE Price: $1.79 (That's 40% OFF, Wednesday Only!)
Alternate Reality Price:
$2.54 (That's 15% OFF, All This Week!)
Cable & Deadpool #35 sets up the next arc which deals with the search for something thought lost years back-Wade Wilson’s conscience. The issue starts with a recap page that places Wade in the middle of Times Square remembering the faces of the many people he has killed. The Tom Raney cover suggests he has a huge body count but he seems to be blocking them out in an attempt to make his life easier. Reilly Brown’s art is improving…Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #15 continues the Deb Whitman arc and also contains a cameo appearance from Stephen Colbert while marking the return of Betty Brant as well. Also included is a look at Flash Thompson, more on the returning Vulture, long book store lines, a hint of who Miss Arrow might be (and here we see who she isn’t) and some pretty slick Scot Eaton art…She-Hulk #14 tells us the history and life of love lost Awesome Andy. We see his creation by the Mad Thinker and discover who was responsible for him being liberated from following the Thinker which led to him starting work at the law firm than Jen Walters works at. Jen, herself has little to do with the issue but at the end we see the start of her new life at SHIELD…Ms. Marvel #10 has Mike Wieringo still hanging around so he could draw a knock down drag out fight between Carol and Warbird. Yes, she is fighting herself but it makes sense due to the fact that this Warbird is another version of her wandering between realities killing alternate versions of her. This is a storyline used by Peter David when he was doing Supergirl but sales on that title were low enough that this take seems fresh. Brian Reed is giving Carol and actual purpose for existing as a major character in the pre and post Civil War universe…Sensational Spider-Man #33 flashes back to when Peter became a major part of Ben and May Parker’s life while we see Pete recover from a brutal beating by the Rhino. The story here shows that May has always protected Peter and in doing so shows us the price she has paid for doing so…Thunderbolts #109 is the last issue by the Nicieza/Grummett team. Fabian takes all the balls he was juggling and places them down one by one to seal off any loose ends before Warren Ellis takes over. We see the resolution of the intertwined Songbird/Moonstone and see the retirement of some team members. He does leave a few threads loose such as the problem with the growing Atlas and the usual Zemo issues but you would assume that the upcoming limited series involving Zemo and his family history will wrap up at least one of them…Union Jack #4 (of 4) ends the limited series as we drop right into the middle of the fight with the revived Dreadnaught and UJ’s team. The action is quick and clean while showing just how determined Joey Chapman can be. We do learn who planned all this in a satisfying end sequence…X-Men: First Class #4 (of 6) brings Doctor Strange back into the lives of the X-Men as the team fights a low rent Sentinel. Here Jeff Parker reveals that Scott is seeing things thru his visor that are magic related due to their first interaction with the Doc so the team battles in a place sometimes foreign to them-the mystical plane. This retro series is pretty fun to read.

Pirates of Coney Island #3 (of 5) has the so called pirates go after and steal a classic car. I just can’t get into this limited series due to the fact that I have no idea how to relate to their world view. Maybe it’s a New York thing…Elephantmen #5 contains a single issue story that places us onto a train full of Elephantmen and their mutated brethren. Inside the train we get a fight filled with brutality between Seven and Obadiah long before the liberation of the men and Obadiah’s servitude seen in the previous issues. The remainder of the issue contains a small interview with Dave Gibbons and a longer text piece about British creator Don Lawrence.
"See, I told you I'd be down here. We've got a bunch of SNEAKY PEEKIES of future MARVEL, DC and IMAGE titles right HERE"

All Books/Characters pictured herein are © Copyright 2006 by their respective owners. No rights given or implied by Alternate Reality, Incorporated.

Reviews © 2006 Alternate Reality, Inc.